Análisis de una organización matemática sobre los significados asociados a las fracciones en una colección de cuadernos de trabajo de educación básica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo de investigación se enfoca en el estudio de los significados
que se le atribuye a la fracción en determinados contextos matemáticos que van
más allá de la relación parte – todo. Diversas investigaciones reportan la falta de
dominio solvente por parte de los estudiantes de primaria e incluso secundaria
en la resolución de problemas con números racionales que tendrían origen en la
complejidad del mismo objeto matemático y de los significados diversos que se
le puede atribuir a las fracciones. Por tanto, el objetivo central de esta tesis es
construir y analizar una Organización Matemática sobre los significados
asociados a las fracciones en una Colección de Cuadernos de Trabajo de
Educación Primaria e identificar aquellos que predominan en este nivel educativo
y cómo se articulan. Para ello se utiliza las herramientas teóricas de la Teoría
Antropológica de lo Didáctico y la metodología basada en el estudio bibliográfico
y el análisis de textos. Se construye un modelo epistemológico de referencia para
los significados de las fracciones y en base a él se definen seis tipos de tareas.
A partir de ello se construye una Organización Matemática para cada Cuaderno
de Trabajo y luego se analiza el grado de completitud de la Colección usando los
criterios de completitud de Fonseca. Finalmente se obtiene como conclusión
principal que en la Organización Matemática de la Colección de Cuadernos de
Trabajo predomina el significado de la fracción como relación parte – todo,
siendo éste la base para trabajar tareas de contexto extramatemático sobre
fracción como medida, operador, cociente y razón, así como su representación
decimal; así mismo, las tareas de este material didáctico poseen más de una
forma de solución y son integradoras lo cual permite la ampliación de las
The present research work focuses on the study of the meanings attributed to the fraction in certain mathematical contexts that go beyond the part - whole relationship. Diverse investigations report the lack of solvent dominance on the part of the students of primary and even secondary in the resolution of problems with rational numbers that would have origin in the complexity of the same mathematical object and of the diverse meanings that can be attributed to the fractions. Therefore, the central objective of this thesis is to build and analyze a Mathematical Organization on the meanings associated with the fractions in a Collection of Workbooks of Primary Education and identify those that predominate in this educational level and how they are articulated. For this, the theoretical tools of the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic and the methodology based on the bibliographical study and the analysis of texts are used. A reference epistemological model is constructed for the meanings of the fractions and based on it, six types of tasks are defined. From this a Mathematical Organization is constructed for each Workbook and then the degree of completeness of the Collection is analyzed using Fonseca's criteria of completeness. Finally, the main conclusion is that in the Mathematical Organization of the Workbook Collection, the meaning of the fraction as a part - whole relationship predominates, this being the basis for working extra - mathematical tasks on a fraction as a measure, operator, quotient and well as its decimal representation; likewise, the tasks of this didactic material have more than one form of solution and are integrating which allows the extension of the techniques.
The present research work focuses on the study of the meanings attributed to the fraction in certain mathematical contexts that go beyond the part - whole relationship. Diverse investigations report the lack of solvent dominance on the part of the students of primary and even secondary in the resolution of problems with rational numbers that would have origin in the complexity of the same mathematical object and of the diverse meanings that can be attributed to the fractions. Therefore, the central objective of this thesis is to build and analyze a Mathematical Organization on the meanings associated with the fractions in a Collection of Workbooks of Primary Education and identify those that predominate in this educational level and how they are articulated. For this, the theoretical tools of the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic and the methodology based on the bibliographical study and the analysis of texts are used. A reference epistemological model is constructed for the meanings of the fractions and based on it, six types of tasks are defined. From this a Mathematical Organization is constructed for each Workbook and then the degree of completeness of the Collection is analyzed using Fonseca's criteria of completeness. Finally, the main conclusion is that in the Mathematical Organization of the Workbook Collection, the meaning of the fraction as a part - whole relationship predominates, this being the basis for working extra - mathematical tasks on a fraction as a measure, operator, quotient and well as its decimal representation; likewise, the tasks of this didactic material have more than one form of solution and are integrating which allows the extension of the techniques.
Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Fracciones--Estudio y enseñanza, Educación primaria--Investigaciones
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