Modelo Prolab: Reporte recojo recompensa, un sistema integrado de recojo, comercialización de materiales reciclables y producción de compost
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente proyecto "Reporte Recojo Recompensa" aborda la problemática de la inadecuada
gestión de residuos sólidos en Chiclayo, Perú, centrando la solución en un sistema integral
que gestiona de manera adecuada los desechos, transforma los residuos orgánicos en
compost y promueve el reciclaje. Este enfoque no solo mejora la salud pública y reduce la
contaminación, sino que también genera oportunidades económicas al valorizar un mayor
volumen de residuos, fomentando a la vez la educación en prácticas de reciclaje. El proyecto
se encuentra en consonancia con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) números 12 y
13 de las Naciones Unidas, referentes a la gestión eficiente de recursos y la acción contra el
cambio climático.
Esta solución, que tiene como segundo proceso más importante el de convertir los
residuos orgánicos en compost, gestiona de manera controlada el proceso de descomposición
y la posterior maduración de los residuos, hasta la obtención de un compost de alta calidad.
En este punto, su comercialización será a través de ventas directas a agricultores,
promoviendo su uso como abono natural que contribuye a la mejora de la calidad del suelo,
devolviéndole sus propiedades minerales.
El emprendimiento ha demostrado generar un importante impacto financiero,
aspecto muy valorado por aquellos que deseen participar de este modelo de negocio,
concluyéndolo como un proyecto financieramente viable, al obtener un Valor Actual Neto
(VAN) de $728,603, una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) del 120% y payback de dos años,
indicadores que subrayan su rentabilidad y sostenibilidad a largo plazo.
A nivel social, su impacto es significativo: se espera una considerable reducción en la
generación de desechos y una mejora en la gestión de los recursos. Además, la educación y
concienciación sobre sostenibilidad ambiental, promovidas mediante el uso de la aplicación
móvil, contribuyen a una mayor participación de la comunidad en las labores de segregación
de residuos y en los reportes de eventos que propician la contaminación.
The "Reporte Recojo Recompensa" project addresses the issue of inadequate solid waste management in Chiclayo, Peru, focusing on an integrated system that properly manages waste, transforms organic waste into compost, and promotes recycling. This approach not only improves public health and reduces pollution but also generates economic opportunities by valuing a higher volume of waste, while simultaneously fostering education in recycling practices. The project aligns with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 12 and 13, specifically in efficient resource management and climate action. The solution's second most important process involves converting organic waste into compost through a controlled decomposition and maturation process, resulting in high- quality compost. This compost will be marketed through direct sales to farmers, promoting its use as a natural fertilizer that improves soil quality and restores its mineral properties. The venture has demonstrated significant financial impact, a highly valued aspect for potential business participants. It has been concluded to be financially viable, with a Net Present Value (NPV) of $728,603, an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 120%, and a payback period of two years, highlighting its profitability and long-term sustainability. Socially, the impact is significant: a considerable reduction in waste generation and improved resource management are expected. Additionally, environmental sustainability education and awareness promoted through the mobile application will contribute to greater community participation in waste segregation activities and reporting events that lead to pollution.
The "Reporte Recojo Recompensa" project addresses the issue of inadequate solid waste management in Chiclayo, Peru, focusing on an integrated system that properly manages waste, transforms organic waste into compost, and promotes recycling. This approach not only improves public health and reduces pollution but also generates economic opportunities by valuing a higher volume of waste, while simultaneously fostering education in recycling practices. The project aligns with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 12 and 13, specifically in efficient resource management and climate action. The solution's second most important process involves converting organic waste into compost through a controlled decomposition and maturation process, resulting in high- quality compost. This compost will be marketed through direct sales to farmers, promoting its use as a natural fertilizer that improves soil quality and restores its mineral properties. The venture has demonstrated significant financial impact, a highly valued aspect for potential business participants. It has been concluded to be financially viable, with a Net Present Value (NPV) of $728,603, an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 120%, and a payback period of two years, highlighting its profitability and long-term sustainability. Socially, the impact is significant: a considerable reduction in waste generation and improved resource management are expected. Additionally, environmental sustainability education and awareness promoted through the mobile application will contribute to greater community participation in waste segregation activities and reporting events that lead to pollution.
Residuos sólidos--Administración--Perú--Chiclayo (Lambayeque : Ciudad), Reciclaje (Residuos, etc.)--Perú, Compost--Proyectos
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