Planeamiento estratégico del Banco de la Nación
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento desarrolla el Plan Estratégico del Banco de la Nación del Perú
en un horizonte de tiempo de diez años, con la finalidad de posicionarlo entre los cinco
mayores bancos estatales de América Latina y los cuatro principales bancos en el Perú (en
función a participación de mercado), para aportar al desarrollo de la inclusión financiera y el
crecimiento descentralizado del país. El Banco de la Nación, de propiedad estatal, brinda
soluciones financieras a las entidades del Estado Peruano; servicios de corresponsalía al
sector de banca múltiple; y productos financieros a los trabajadores y pensionistas del Estado,
a los beneficiarios de programas sociales y a los pobladores de zonas donde no llega otra
entidad del sistema financiero, en las que se constituye como Única Oferta Bancaria (UOB).
Para alcanzar la visión propuesta, se han establecido seis objetivos de largo plazo
relacionados al incremento de los ingresos financieros, de la utilidad neta, de la cobertura en
los distritos del país, de la participación de mercado en colocaciones y depósitos, y del índice
de satisfacción de los clientes. El cumplimiento de los objetivos a largo plazo será posible a
través de la consecución de 30 objetivos de corto plazo, para los cuales se han definido
indicadores en un tablero de control balanceado, que permite tener una visión holística de la
organización. Las principales estrategias elegidas están alineadas con la apertura de la oferta
del Banco a todos los peruanos (personas y empresas), el incremento de puntos de atención a
nivel nacional para incrementar la inclusión financiera y el aprovechamiento de nuevas
tecnologías en el sector bancario. El proceso de planeamiento estratégico se ha llevado a cabo
utilizando la metodología planteada por el Dr. Fernando D’Alessio, caracterizada por
presentar un modelo secuencial e iterativo, que genera una retroalimentación repetitiva a
medida que se avanza por sus etapas
This document develops the Strategic Plan of Banco de la Nación of Peru over a period of ten years, in order to position it among the five largest state-owned banks in Latin America and the four main banks in Peru (based on market share), to contribute to the development of the financial inclusion and the decentralized growth of the country. The stateowned Banco de la Nación provides financial solutions to entities of the Peruvian State; correspondent services to the multiple banking sector; and financial products to the workers and pensioners of the State, to the beneficiaries of social programs and to the inhabitants of zones where no other entity of the financial system arrives, in which it is constituted as Unique Bank Offer (UOB). To achieve the proposed vision, six long-term objectives have been established related to the increase in financial income, net income, coverage in the country's districts, market share in loans and deposits, and the satisfaction index of customers. The fulfillment of the long-term objectives will be possible through the achievement of 30 short-term objectives, for which indicators have been defined following a balanced control panel that allows a holistic view of the organization. The main strategies chosen are aligned with the opening of the Bank's offer to all peruvians (individuals and companies), the increase of points of attention at the national level to increase financial inclusion, and the use of new technologies in the banking sector. The strategic planning process has been carried out using the methodology proposed by Dr. Fernando D’Alessio, characterized by presenting a sequential and iterative model, which generates a repetitive feedback as it progresses through its stages
This document develops the Strategic Plan of Banco de la Nación of Peru over a period of ten years, in order to position it among the five largest state-owned banks in Latin America and the four main banks in Peru (based on market share), to contribute to the development of the financial inclusion and the decentralized growth of the country. The stateowned Banco de la Nación provides financial solutions to entities of the Peruvian State; correspondent services to the multiple banking sector; and financial products to the workers and pensioners of the State, to the beneficiaries of social programs and to the inhabitants of zones where no other entity of the financial system arrives, in which it is constituted as Unique Bank Offer (UOB). To achieve the proposed vision, six long-term objectives have been established related to the increase in financial income, net income, coverage in the country's districts, market share in loans and deposits, and the satisfaction index of customers. The fulfillment of the long-term objectives will be possible through the achievement of 30 short-term objectives, for which indicators have been defined following a balanced control panel that allows a holistic view of the organization. The main strategies chosen are aligned with the opening of the Bank's offer to all peruvians (individuals and companies), the increase of points of attention at the national level to increase financial inclusion, and the use of new technologies in the banking sector. The strategic planning process has been carried out using the methodology proposed by Dr. Fernando D’Alessio, characterized by presenting a sequential and iterative model, which generates a repetitive feedback as it progresses through its stages
Instituciones financieras -- Perú, Bancos -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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