Medición de la felicidad en profesores de dos centros educativos de lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo por objetivo “Determinar el grado de
asociación entre las Fortalezas de Carácter y el nivel de Felicidad, medido mediante el
Bienestar General en el Trabajo, en el staff de profesores de dos centros educativos escolares
de Lima Metropolitana, en el mes de agosto del año 2018”. Para ello, se emplearon dos
instrumentos validados y aplicados ampliamente dentro del campo de la Psicología Positiva,
estos son: el Workplace PERMA-Profiler, para medir el nivel de Bienestar General en el
Trabajo y sus pilares, y el VIA-IS 120, para identificar las Fortalezas de Carácter, su jerarquía
y encontrar las de mayor asociación con en el Bienestar General en el Trabajo del staff de
profesores. Ello con la finalidad de definir en qué Fortalezas de Carácter deberían trabajar los
directivos de ambos centros educativos, por tener el mayor grado de asociación con el nivel
de Felicidad de sus maestros, representada por el Bienestar General en el Trabajo, pues de
acuerdo con varias investigaciones, si la asociación es directa, esto podría incrementar la
productividad de los docentes, conduciendo a un mejoramiento de la calidad de la enseñanza.
El grado de asociación de las 24 Fortalezas de Carácter y el nivel deBienestar General
en el Trabajo, nos indicó, que para el colegio 1, la asociación se dio con las Fortalezas de
Carácter: Bondad, Amor por el aprendizaje, Amor, y Gratitud; y para el colegio 2, la
asociación se dio con las Fortalezas de Carácter: Humor, Creatividad, Equidad, y el Juicio.
Finalmente, y a manera de conclusión, se propone para investigaciones futuras, correlacionar
las Fortalezas de Carácter con el Bienestar General en el Trabajo y sus Pilares PERMA y,
adicionalmente, con el nivel de aprendizaje de los alumnos; de esta manera, establecer un
perfil de rasgos de personalidad ideal del docente, el cual serviría tanto para la selección de
los maestro en los centros educativos así como, para incluir asignaturas o talleres en las
mallas curriculares de las universidades que forman docentes, con la finalidad de desarrollar
dichos rasgos de personalidad durante su formación académica.
The objective of this research was to "Determine the degree of association between the Strengths of Character and the level of Happiness, measured by the General Wellbeing at Work, in the staff of teachers of two educational centers of Metropolitan Lima, in the August of the year 2018. " For this, two instruments validated and widely applied within the field of Positive Psychology were used, these are: the Workplace PERMA-Profiler, to measure the level of General Wellbeing at Work and its pillars, and the VIA-IS 120, for identify Character Strengths, their hierarchy and find the ones with the greatest association with the General Wellbeing at Work of the staff of teachers. This in order to define in what strengths of character should work the managers of both schools, to have the highest degree of association with the level of happiness of their teachers, represented by the General Wellbeing at Work, as according to several research, if the association is direct, this could increase the productivity of teachers, leading to an improvement in the quality of teaching. The degree of association of the 24 Strengths of Character and the level of General Welfare in the Work, indicated us that for the school 1, the association was given with the Strengths of Character: Goodness, Love for learning, Love, and Gratitude; and for school 2, the association came up with the Strengths of Character: Humor, Creativity, Fairness, and Judgment. Finally, and as a conclusion, it is proposed for future research, to correlate the Strengths of Character with the General Wellbeing at Work and its PERMA Pillars and, additionally, with the level of student learning; In this way, establish a profile of ideal personality traits of the teacher, which would serve both for the selection of teachers in educational centers as well as, to include subjects or workshops in the curricular meshes of the universities that train teachers, with the purpose of developing these personality traits during their academic training.
The objective of this research was to "Determine the degree of association between the Strengths of Character and the level of Happiness, measured by the General Wellbeing at Work, in the staff of teachers of two educational centers of Metropolitan Lima, in the August of the year 2018. " For this, two instruments validated and widely applied within the field of Positive Psychology were used, these are: the Workplace PERMA-Profiler, to measure the level of General Wellbeing at Work and its pillars, and the VIA-IS 120, for identify Character Strengths, their hierarchy and find the ones with the greatest association with the General Wellbeing at Work of the staff of teachers. This in order to define in what strengths of character should work the managers of both schools, to have the highest degree of association with the level of happiness of their teachers, represented by the General Wellbeing at Work, as according to several research, if the association is direct, this could increase the productivity of teachers, leading to an improvement in the quality of teaching. The degree of association of the 24 Strengths of Character and the level of General Welfare in the Work, indicated us that for the school 1, the association was given with the Strengths of Character: Goodness, Love for learning, Love, and Gratitude; and for school 2, the association came up with the Strengths of Character: Humor, Creativity, Fairness, and Judgment. Finally, and as a conclusion, it is proposed for future research, to correlate the Strengths of Character with the General Wellbeing at Work and its PERMA Pillars and, additionally, with the level of student learning; In this way, establish a profile of ideal personality traits of the teacher, which would serve both for the selection of teachers in educational centers as well as, to include subjects or workshops in the curricular meshes of the universities that train teachers, with the purpose of developing these personality traits during their academic training.
Felicidad y satisfacción laboral, Felicidad y satisfacción profesional, Investigación cuantitativa
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