Informe Jurídico sobre la Sentencia de Casación N. 526- 2022/CS (Caso Juan Doroteo Monroy Gálvez)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente Informe Jurídico tiene por objeto principal analizar la Sentencia de Casación
N. 526-2022/CS. Esta Sentencia es importante a efectos jurídico-penales, debido a que
resuelve temas como las conductas neutrales en los Delitos contra la Administración
Pública y su tratamiento procesal en la excepción de improcedencia de acción. Así, la
pregunta central que surge de su análisis es la siguiente: ¿Se le puede imputar al
abogado Juan Doroteo Monroy Gálvez la condición de cómplice primario en el delito de
colusión? Para ello, el presente informe jurídico se ha valido de distintos instrumentos
para un adecuado análisis como la remisión a normas, jurisprudencia y doctrina.
Después de la investigación rigurosa llevada a cabo, se concluyó que el abogado Juan
Doroteo Monroy Gálvez no es cómplice primario en el delito de colusión, ya que su
conducta se encuentra conforme a derecho.
The main purpose of this Legal Report is to analyze the Cassation Judgment No. 526- 2022/CS. This Judgment is important for legal-criminal purposes, because it resolves issues such as neutral conduct in Crimes against the Public Administration and its procedural treatment in the exception of inadmissibility of action. Thus, the central question that arises from his analysis is the following: Can lawyer Juan Doroteo Monroy Gálvez be accused of being a primary accomplice in the crime of collusion? For this, the present legal report has used different instruments for an adequate analysis such as the reference to norms, jurisprudence and doctrine. After the required investigation carried out, it was concluded that the lawyer Juan Doroteo Monroy Gálvez is not a primary accomplice in the crime of collusion, since his conduct is in accordance with the law.
The main purpose of this Legal Report is to analyze the Cassation Judgment No. 526- 2022/CS. This Judgment is important for legal-criminal purposes, because it resolves issues such as neutral conduct in Crimes against the Public Administration and its procedural treatment in the exception of inadmissibility of action. Thus, the central question that arises from his analysis is the following: Can lawyer Juan Doroteo Monroy Gálvez be accused of being a primary accomplice in the crime of collusion? For this, the present legal report has used different instruments for an adequate analysis such as the reference to norms, jurisprudence and doctrine. After the required investigation carried out, it was concluded that the lawyer Juan Doroteo Monroy Gálvez is not a primary accomplice in the crime of collusion, since his conduct is in accordance with the law.
Recurso de casación--Perú, Derecho--Filosofía, Derecho penal--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Perú
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