Mi proceso de descubrimiento y formación en el empleo de la historieta como material didáctico para la enseñanza del idioma francés
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La sistematización pedagógica es un proceso meticuloso, ordenado y organizado,
de recojo de información de una experiencia educativa, con el fin de realizar la reflexión
sobre la propia práctica profesional. En el presente trabajo, se intenta analizar y
comprender mi proceso de descubrimiento y formación en el empleo de la historieta como
material de enseñanza del idioma francés. Primeramente, se busca la recuperación de la
experiencia, lo que requiere del ordenamiento y de la reconstrucción de los hechos por
medio de la línea de tiempo, el recojo de evidencias y la autobiografía. Seguidamente,
gracias a la clasificación ordenada de la información en tablas de categorías, que
corresponden a las etapas de mi evolución en el mundo de la historieta (descubrimiento,
formación y didactización), es posible realizar la interpretación de la experiencia, con el
fin de entender su lógica, la intervención de los factores claves y confrontar lo vivido con
la teoría. Este informe concluye exponiendo las afirmaciones resultantes del proceso de
análisis e interpretación, que invitan a continuar la reflexión y el trabajo pedagógico con
historietas, en busca de nuevos fines didácticos y nuevos aprendizajes personales. No se
limita, de este modo, a ser un informe descriptivo de lo vivido ni un modelo a seguir ni
una propuesta pedagógica a implantar.
The pedagogical systematization is a meticulous, orderly and organized process of collecting information from an educational experience, in order to reflect on one's professional practice. In this work, an attempt is made to analyze and understand my process of discovery and training in the use of the comic strip as a teaching material for the French language. First, the recovery of the experience is sought, which requires the ordering and reconstruction of the events through the timeline, the collection of evidence and the autobiography. Then, thanks to the orderly classification of the information in category tables, which correspond to the stages of my evolution in the world of comics (discovery, training and teaching), it is possible to interpret the experience, in order to understand its logic, the intervention of key factors and confront what has been lived with theory. This report concludes by exposing the statements resulting from the analysis and interpretation process, which invite us to continue reflection and pedagogical work with cartoons, in search of new didactic purposes and new personal learning. It is not limited, in this way, to being a descriptive report of what has been experienced, nor is it a model to follow or a pedagogical proposal to be implemented.
The pedagogical systematization is a meticulous, orderly and organized process of collecting information from an educational experience, in order to reflect on one's professional practice. In this work, an attempt is made to analyze and understand my process of discovery and training in the use of the comic strip as a teaching material for the French language. First, the recovery of the experience is sought, which requires the ordering and reconstruction of the events through the timeline, the collection of evidence and the autobiography. Then, thanks to the orderly classification of the information in category tables, which correspond to the stages of my evolution in the world of comics (discovery, training and teaching), it is possible to interpret the experience, in order to understand its logic, the intervention of key factors and confront what has been lived with theory. This report concludes by exposing the statements resulting from the analysis and interpretation process, which invite us to continue reflection and pedagogical work with cartoons, in search of new didactic purposes and new personal learning. It is not limited, in this way, to being a descriptive report of what has been experienced, nor is it a model to follow or a pedagogical proposal to be implemented.
Francés--Estudio y enseñanza (Preescolar), Adquisición de segunda lengua, Tiras cómicas, historietas, etc--Estudio y enseñanza
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