Índice de progreso social del distrito de Tongod
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo construir y calcular el Índice de
Progreso Social (IPS) del distrito de Tondog, ubicado en la provincia de San Miguel de
Pallaques, región Cajamarca. Para el cálculo del nivel de progreso social del distrito de
Tongod, el distrito fue segmentado en dos zonas geográficas específicas de estudio. La
investigación se basó en un estudio de campo con la metodología diseñada por el Social
Progress Imperative (SPI) a nivel de países y las adaptaciones de CENTRUM PUCP a través
del Centro de Progreso Social para las regiones y distritos del Perú.
El desarrollo de la investigación permitió identificar la situación actual de los
habitantes del distrito de Tongod basada en la satisfacción de las necesidades humanas
básicas, elementos que les permitan tener una vida saludable y oportunidades con las que
puedan alcanzar mayor bienestar; a través de información de fuente primaria con la ejecución
de 433 encuestas realizadas en el distrito de Tongod e información de fuente secundaria con
estadísticas públicas válidas y confiables. El análisis estadístico y la metodología aplicada
permitieron definir 33 indicadores que integran los 12 componentes en las tres dimensiones.
Los resultados obtenidos, de acuerdo a la escala de 0 a 100 puntos definidos en el IPS,
identifica al IPS del distrito de Tongod en el nivel “Bajo” con un valor de 45.04 puntos,
presentando la zona II puntaje relativamente más alto con 50.18 en el nivel “Bajo” que la
zona I con 39.00 puntos en el nivel “Muy Bajo”. El IPS permite desagregar los resultados en
tres grandes dimensiones: Necesidades Humanas Básicas 57.26, Fundamentos del Bienestar
49.32 y Oportunidades 28.54, ubicados en los niveles “Medio Bajo”, “Bajo” y “Extremo
Bajo” respectivamente. Dado que es el primer estudio del IPS en el distrito de Tongod,
servirá como herramienta para medir la eficacia del desempeño social y medioambiental
distrital traducido en progreso social.
The purpose of this research is to construct and calculate the Social Progress Index (IPS) of Tondog district, located in the Province of San Miguel de Pallaques, Cajamarca region, to determine the level of social progress of the Tongod district divided into two geographic zones according for the study. This research was based on a field study with the basic methodology designed by the Social Progress Imperative (SPI) at the country level and the adaptations of CENTRUM Catholic through the Center for Social Progress for the regions and districts of Peru. The development of the research allowed to identify the current situation of the inhabitants of Tongod district based on the satisfaction of the Basic Human Needs, elements that allow them to have a healthy life and opportunities with which they can achieve greater well-being, through information of primary source with the execution of 433 surveys conducted in the Tongod district and secondary source information with valid and reliable public statistics. The statistic analysis and the applied methodology allowed to define 33 indicators that integrate the 12 components in the three dimensions. The results obtained have been used the scale of 0 to 100 points defined in the SPI, identifies the SPI of Tongod district in the "Low" level with a value of 45.04 points, the zone II got a relatively higher score with 50.18 points which is "Low" level compare to zone I with 39.90 points in the "Very Low" level. The SPI allows the results to be disaggregated into three main dimensions: Basic Human Needs 57.26, Fundamentals of Welfare 49.32 and Opportunities 28.54, located in the "Medium Low", "Low" and "Low End" levels respectively. This is the first SPI study in Tongod district, it will serve as a tool to measure the effectiveness of district social and environmental translated into social progress.
The purpose of this research is to construct and calculate the Social Progress Index (IPS) of Tondog district, located in the Province of San Miguel de Pallaques, Cajamarca region, to determine the level of social progress of the Tongod district divided into two geographic zones according for the study. This research was based on a field study with the basic methodology designed by the Social Progress Imperative (SPI) at the country level and the adaptations of CENTRUM Catholic through the Center for Social Progress for the regions and districts of Peru. The development of the research allowed to identify the current situation of the inhabitants of Tongod district based on the satisfaction of the Basic Human Needs, elements that allow them to have a healthy life and opportunities with which they can achieve greater well-being, through information of primary source with the execution of 433 surveys conducted in the Tongod district and secondary source information with valid and reliable public statistics. The statistic analysis and the applied methodology allowed to define 33 indicators that integrate the 12 components in the three dimensions. The results obtained have been used the scale of 0 to 100 points defined in the SPI, identifies the SPI of Tongod district in the "Low" level with a value of 45.04 points, the zone II got a relatively higher score with 50.18 points which is "Low" level compare to zone I with 39.90 points in the "Very Low" level. The SPI allows the results to be disaggregated into three main dimensions: Basic Human Needs 57.26, Fundamentals of Welfare 49.32 and Opportunities 28.54, located in the "Medium Low", "Low" and "Low End" levels respectively. This is the first SPI study in Tongod district, it will serve as a tool to measure the effectiveness of district social and environmental translated into social progress.
Indicadores sociales--Perú--Tongod (Cajamarca : Distrito), Indicadores económicos--Perú--Tongod (Cajamarca : Distrito), Investigación cuantitativa
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