Business Consulting: optimizar el proceso de abastecimiento sostenible en una empresa agroindustrial exportadora en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La empresa agroexportadora del Perú es una empresa líder en el sector agroindustrial y el
mayor productor de finas hortalizas y frutas en conservas y congelados del Perú. En este
documento se presenta una evaluación detallada de la empresa, incluyendo su entorno
operativo y su evaluación interna.
En cuanto al entorno operativo, se realiza un análisis PESTEL y el modelo de las cinco fuerzas
de Porter para evaluar el mercado global en el que opera la empresa. Se identifican
oportunidades y amenazas clave, incluyendo la promulgación de la Ley N° 31110, que
establece el pago de una Bonificación Especial por Trabajo Agrario (BETA) en el sector
agrícola. Además, se destaca la importancia de mantener un enfoque en la sostenibilidad social
y ambiental, así como la calidad de los productos, para atraer a clientes que valoran el impacto
positivo en la sostenibilidad.
En cuanto a la evaluación interna, se utiliza la herramienta AMOFHIT para evaluar las
fortalezas y debilidades de la empresa. Se identifican problemas que están impactando
negativamente en los resultados financieros y en el suministro de la empresa
agroexportadora del Perú y se describen los procesos de la empresa, que son muy complejos
debido a la fabricación de marcas blancas. Se recomienda la adopción de tecnologías modernas,
prácticas sostenibles y la mejora de la eficiencia operativa en todas las etapas, desde la compra
hasta la distribución.
Además, se presenta un análisis GAP del cumplimiento del estándar ISO 20400 para el proceso
de compras de la empresa agroexportadora del Perú, destacando el capítulo cinco como el de
menor cumplimiento, que trata sobre la integración de la sostenibilidad a la política y estrategia
de compras. Se recomienda el aumento del cumplimiento de la norma ISO 20400 para el
proceso de compras, identificando áreas de mejora y estableciendo un plan de acción para
alcanzar mayores niveles de cumplimiento.
Agro-export company from Peru is a leading company in the agro-industrial sector and the largest producer of fine canned and frozen vegetables and fruits in Peru. This document presents a detailed evaluation of the company, including its operational environment and internal assessment. Regarding the operational environment, a PESTEL analysis and Porter's five forces model are used to assess the global market in which this company operates. Key opportunities and threats are identified, including the enactment of Law No. 31110, which establishes the payment of a Special Bonus for Agricultural Work (BETA) in the agricultural sector. Additionally, the importance of maintaining a focus on social and environmental sustainability, as well as product quality, to attract customers who value positive sustainability impact is highlighted. In terms of internal evaluation, the AMOFHIT tool is used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the company. Problems that are negatively impacting this company's financial results and supply are identified, and the company's complex processes due to the manufacturing of private label products are described. The adoption of modern technologies, sustainable practices, and operational efficiency improvement at all stages, from procurement to distribution, is recommended. Furthermore, a GAP analysis of the compliance with the ISO 20400 standard for the purchasing process of the company is presented, with Chapter Five identified as having the lowest compliance, focusing on the integration of sustainability into the purchasing policy and strategy. Increasing compliance with the ISO 20400 standard for the purchasing process, identifying areas for improvement, and establishing an action plan to achieve higher levels of compliance are recommended.
Agro-export company from Peru is a leading company in the agro-industrial sector and the largest producer of fine canned and frozen vegetables and fruits in Peru. This document presents a detailed evaluation of the company, including its operational environment and internal assessment. Regarding the operational environment, a PESTEL analysis and Porter's five forces model are used to assess the global market in which this company operates. Key opportunities and threats are identified, including the enactment of Law No. 31110, which establishes the payment of a Special Bonus for Agricultural Work (BETA) in the agricultural sector. Additionally, the importance of maintaining a focus on social and environmental sustainability, as well as product quality, to attract customers who value positive sustainability impact is highlighted. In terms of internal evaluation, the AMOFHIT tool is used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the company. Problems that are negatively impacting this company's financial results and supply are identified, and the company's complex processes due to the manufacturing of private label products are described. The adoption of modern technologies, sustainable practices, and operational efficiency improvement at all stages, from procurement to distribution, is recommended. Furthermore, a GAP analysis of the compliance with the ISO 20400 standard for the purchasing process of the company is presented, with Chapter Five identified as having the lowest compliance, focusing on the integration of sustainability into the purchasing policy and strategy. Increasing compliance with the ISO 20400 standard for the purchasing process, identifying areas for improvement, and establishing an action plan to achieve higher levels of compliance are recommended.
Industria y comercio--Perú, Producción--Administración