Planeamiento estratégico de la piña de Junín
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Durante los últimos años, en el mundo existe una tendencia creciente de la preferencia
por el consumo de vegetales y diversas frutas, lo que incrementó su demanda y generó
oportunidades de emprendimiento. Ante este panorama, la piña se ha convertido en un fruto
muy valorado por sus distintos beneficios nutricionales. Las tierras del Perú, y en especial de
Junín, cuentan con ventajas comparativas para el cultivo de piña, como: la variedad de
climas, ubicación geográfica y sus suelos fértiles, lo que permite producir piñas de excelente
calidad en sus diversas variedades.
En el desarrollo del análisis externo se observó que Junín cuenta con una estabilidad
política y económica que favorece a toda la cadena de valor de la piña, posee diferentes
oportunidades como el incremento de la demanda de productos naturales, el intercambio de
conocimientos y la variedad de terrenos agrícolas en la producción, así como la tendencia a la
agro industrialización. Sin embargo, esto no es suficiente si se considera las debilidades
internas del sector como la falta de asistencia técnica del gobierno, la falta de estandarización
de la producción de la piña, el limitado nivel de asociatividad de los agricultores y el costo o
acceso al financiamiento local.
En la presente tesis, se desarrolló el planeamiento estratégico de la piña en Junín. Para
ello, se desarrolló un análisis tanto externo como interno, y competitivo de la Piña para
proponer estrategias, objetivos y políticas que ayudarán a que, al 2023 Junín seguirá siendo
líder en la producción de piña a nivel nacional, alcanzando un alto rendimiento (t/ha),
contribuyendo al Valor Bruto de la Producción y al desarrollo del sector; promoviendo el
crecimiento de la región y el consumo per cápita nacional
During the last years, in the world there is a growing trend of preference for the consumption of vegetables and various fruits, which increased their demand and generated entrepreneurial opportunities. Faced with this panorama, the pineapple has become a fruit highly valued for its various nutritional benefits. The lands of Peru, and especially of Junín, have comparative advantages for the cultivation of pineapples, such as: the variety of climates, geographical location and their fertile soils, which allows to produce pineapples of excellent quality in their different varieties. In the development of the external analysis it was observed that Junín has political and economic stability that favors the entire pineapple value chain, has different opportunities such as the increase in the demand for natural products, the exchange of knowledge and the variety of agricultural lands in production, as well as the trend towards agroindustrialization. However, this is not enough if one considers the internal weaknesses of the sector such as the lack of technical assistance from the government, the lack of standardization of pineapple production, the limited level of associativity of farmers and the costly access to local financing. . In the present thesis, the strategic planning of the pineapple was developed in Junín. To do this, an analysis was developed both external and internal, and competitive Piña to propose strategies, objectives and policies that will help, by 2023 Junín is positioned as the first producer of pineapple at national level, reaching a high yield ( t/ha), contributing to the Gross Value of Production and the development of the sector; promoting the growth of the region and national per capita consumption
During the last years, in the world there is a growing trend of preference for the consumption of vegetables and various fruits, which increased their demand and generated entrepreneurial opportunities. Faced with this panorama, the pineapple has become a fruit highly valued for its various nutritional benefits. The lands of Peru, and especially of Junín, have comparative advantages for the cultivation of pineapples, such as: the variety of climates, geographical location and their fertile soils, which allows to produce pineapples of excellent quality in their different varieties. In the development of the external analysis it was observed that Junín has political and economic stability that favors the entire pineapple value chain, has different opportunities such as the increase in the demand for natural products, the exchange of knowledge and the variety of agricultural lands in production, as well as the trend towards agroindustrialization. However, this is not enough if one considers the internal weaknesses of the sector such as the lack of technical assistance from the government, the lack of standardization of pineapple production, the limited level of associativity of farmers and the costly access to local financing. . In the present thesis, the strategic planning of the pineapple was developed in Junín. To do this, an analysis was developed both external and internal, and competitive Piña to propose strategies, objectives and policies that will help, by 2023 Junín is positioned as the first producer of pineapple at national level, reaching a high yield ( t/ha), contributing to the Gross Value of Production and the development of the sector; promoting the growth of the region and national per capita consumption
Frutas -- Industria y comercio -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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