Análisis de la Resolución N° 1990-2013-TC-S1 en torno a la vulneración al principio de legalidad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente análisis se analizará la vulneración a la legalidad dada a partir de
la falta de motivación de la contradicción que genera la emisión de la Resolución
N° 1990-2013-TC-S1, la cual decide dejar sin efecto las actuaciones previas,
incluyendo la Resolución N° 1737-2013-TC-S1, está última había determinado la
sanción por trece meses a la empresa TESACOM PERU S.A., la cual había
incurrido en impedimento por presentar el Anexo N° 3- Declaración de no estar
impedido de contratar, y ser presentada por su representante legal, el capitán
Dorrego Arias, quién era servidor público
In this analysis we will analyze the violation of legality due to the lack of motivation of the contradiction generated by the issuance of Resolution No. 1990-2013-TC-S1, which decides to leave without effect the previous actions, including Resolution No. 1737-2013-TC-S1, the latter had determined the sanction for thirteen months to the company TESACOM PERU S.A., which had incurred in impediment for submitting Annex N° 3-Declaration of not being impeded from contracting, and presented by its legal representative, Captain Dorrego Arias, who was a public servant
In this analysis we will analyze the violation of legality due to the lack of motivation of the contradiction generated by the issuance of Resolution No. 1990-2013-TC-S1, which decides to leave without effect the previous actions, including Resolution No. 1737-2013-TC-S1, the latter had determined the sanction for thirteen months to the company TESACOM PERU S.A., which had incurred in impediment for submitting Annex N° 3-Declaration of not being impeded from contracting, and presented by its legal representative, Captain Dorrego Arias, who was a public servant
Sanciones administrativas--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo--Legislación--Perú, Funcionarios públicos--Legislación--Perú
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