Informe sobre Expediente Arbitral 1908-308-18 CARC-PUCP (Consorcio Puentes del Norte vs Provias Nacional)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe consiste en analizar el Laudo Arbitral en mayoría emitido en el
Expediente 1908-308-18 CARC-PUCP. Dicho arbitraje, tiene como antecedente la
suscripción del Contrato N° 012-2017-MTC/20, entre el Consorcio Puentes del Norte y
Provias Nacional, bajo la modalidad de suma alzada y concurso oferta; de acuerdo con
lo establecido en la Ley de Contrataciones con el Estado (Decreto Legislativo N° 1017)
y su reglamento aprobado por Decreto Supremo N° 184-2008-EF, vigentes en dicho
La controversia se resume en lo siguiente: El Consorcio considera que cumplió
debidamente con la entrega del Expediente Técnico pese a que cuenta con un
presupuesto de ejecución de obra mayor al inicialmente ofertado debido a que las
condiciones originales del contrato variaron; y, por su parte, Provias Nacional considera
que no se cumplió con presentar un Expediente Técnico idóneo ya que el presupuesto
de ejecución de obra excedía el precio inicialmente ofertado.
Ante la necesidad de determinar si el Consorcio cumplió o no con elaborar un
Expediente Técnico acorde a lo requerido por la Entidad, se analizará si existió
justificación válida para sustentar la presentación de dicho Expediente en los términos
señalados por el Consorcio. Por lo que, contrastaremos los argumentos del Consorcio,
de la Entidad y del propio Tribunal Arbitral en mayoría. Asimismo, analizaremos la
naturaleza de la modalidad del contrato; la aparente rigidez de las Bases Integradas; y,
también si existe algún mecanismo acorde a Ley que permita la conservación del
Contrato, o si corresponde la resolución de este.
The present report consists of an analysis of the Majority Arbitration Award issued in Case 1908-308-18 CARC-PUCP. This arbitration has its background in the signing of Contract No. 012-2017-MTC/20 between Consorcio Puentes del Norte and Provias Nacional, under the lump sum and competitive bidding modality, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Public Procurement (Legislative Decree No. 1017) and its regulation approved by Supreme Decree No. 184-2008-EF, in force at that time. The controversy can be summarized as follows: The Consortium argues that it duly complied with the delivery of the Technical File despite having a higher construction budget than initially offered due to changes in the original contract conditions. On the other hand, Provias Nacional argues that the Consortium did not present an appropriate Technical File since the construction budget exceeded the initially offered price. In order to figure out whether the Consortium fulfilled the obligation to prepare a Technical File per the requirements of the Entity, we will analyse whether there was a valid justification to support the submission of said File as told by the Consortium. Therefore, we will compare the arguments of the Consortium, the Entity, and the Majority Arbitration Tribunal. Additionally, we will analyse the nature of the contract modality, the plain rigidity of the integrated terms, and whether there is any legal mechanism that allows for the preservation of the Contract or if its resolution is proper.
The present report consists of an analysis of the Majority Arbitration Award issued in Case 1908-308-18 CARC-PUCP. This arbitration has its background in the signing of Contract No. 012-2017-MTC/20 between Consorcio Puentes del Norte and Provias Nacional, under the lump sum and competitive bidding modality, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Public Procurement (Legislative Decree No. 1017) and its regulation approved by Supreme Decree No. 184-2008-EF, in force at that time. The controversy can be summarized as follows: The Consortium argues that it duly complied with the delivery of the Technical File despite having a higher construction budget than initially offered due to changes in the original contract conditions. On the other hand, Provias Nacional argues that the Consortium did not present an appropriate Technical File since the construction budget exceeded the initially offered price. In order to figure out whether the Consortium fulfilled the obligation to prepare a Technical File per the requirements of the Entity, we will analyse whether there was a valid justification to support the submission of said File as told by the Consortium. Therefore, we will compare the arguments of the Consortium, the Entity, and the Majority Arbitration Tribunal. Additionally, we will analyse the nature of the contract modality, the plain rigidity of the integrated terms, and whether there is any legal mechanism that allows for the preservation of the Contract or if its resolution is proper.
Contratos públicos--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Arbitraje y laudo--Jurisprudencia--Perú
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