Business consulting – Minera Chalhuane
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta consultoría se realizó en la empresa Minera Chalhuane S.A.C., la cual forma parte del
grupo Samaniego, cuyos activos mineros se encuentran en el distrito de Andaray, región de
Arequipa. Fue creada en el 2010 y utiliza el modo de explotación subterránea para la
extracción de oro. La vida útil de la mina es de 20 años y sus reservas estimadas de 45,000
toneladas. En este business consulting se hizo una explicación detallada de su forma de
administración, con el fin de flexibilizar el uso de los recursos humanos. Como parte de la
evaluación empresarial, se realizaron reuniones con los representantes de la minera, liderados
por su gerente general. Para conocer los factores externos, se realizó un Análisis PESTE y un
análisis de las Cinco Fuerzas de Porter. Para los factores internos, que están ocasionando
problemas en la empresa, se utilizó la herramienta de análisis AMOFHIT y con la
información recolectada se hizo un Análisis FODA. Se logró identificar que la principal
debilidad de la empresa es la alta rotación de los trabajadores, que está ocasionando atrasos
en las entregas del producto a los clientes. A partir de este análisis, se comprobó que esta
debilidad es su principal problema, ya que conlleva al incremento de los costos
administrativos y a la falta de personal calificado para los procesos extractivos, lo cual trae
como consecuencia una producción de mineral menor a lo programado. Para mejorar esta
situación, se propuso la implementación de alternativas, la cual duraría nueve meses y tendría
una costo de inversión de S/ 1’118,423.93. Esta inversión se podrá recuperar en un período
de un año, seis meses y 29 días. Finalmente, se obtuvo un valor actual neto (VAN) de
S/2’364,957.16 y una tasa interna de retorno (TIR) de 75%, además de un indicador
beneficio/costo de 3.11, lo cual sustenta la viabilidad de la implementación de las alternativas
de solución.
This consultancy was carried out at the company Minera Chalhuane CHC (closely held corporation), which is part of the Samaniego group, whose mining assets are located in the Andaray district, Arequipa region. It was created in 2010 and uses the underground exploitation mode for gold extraction. The useful life of the mine is 20 years and its estimated reserves are 45,000 tons. In this business consulting, a detailed explanation of its form of administration was made, in order to make the use of human resources more flexible. As part of the business evaluation, meetings were held with representatives of the mining company, led by its general manager. To know the external factors, a PESTE analysis and an analysis of Porter’s Five Forces were carried out. For internal factors, which are causing problems in the company, the AMOFHIT analysis tool was used and a SWOT analysis was made with the information collected. It was possible to identify that the main weakness of the company is the high turnover of workers, which is causing delays in product deliveries to customers. Based on this analysis, it was found that this weakness is its main problem, since it leads to an increase in administrative costs and a lack of qualified personnel for extractive processes, which results in lower mineral production than scheduled. To solve this situation, the implementation of alternatives was proposed, which would last nine months and would have an investment cost of S/ 1’118,423.93. This investment can be recovered in a period of one year, six months and 29 days. Finally, a net present value (NPV) of S/2’364,957.16 and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 75% were obtained, in addition to a benefit/cost indicator of 3.11, which supports the viability of the implementation of the alternative solutions.
This consultancy was carried out at the company Minera Chalhuane CHC (closely held corporation), which is part of the Samaniego group, whose mining assets are located in the Andaray district, Arequipa region. It was created in 2010 and uses the underground exploitation mode for gold extraction. The useful life of the mine is 20 years and its estimated reserves are 45,000 tons. In this business consulting, a detailed explanation of its form of administration was made, in order to make the use of human resources more flexible. As part of the business evaluation, meetings were held with representatives of the mining company, led by its general manager. To know the external factors, a PESTE analysis and an analysis of Porter’s Five Forces were carried out. For internal factors, which are causing problems in the company, the AMOFHIT analysis tool was used and a SWOT analysis was made with the information collected. It was possible to identify that the main weakness of the company is the high turnover of workers, which is causing delays in product deliveries to customers. Based on this analysis, it was found that this weakness is its main problem, since it leads to an increase in administrative costs and a lack of qualified personnel for extractive processes, which results in lower mineral production than scheduled. To solve this situation, the implementation of alternatives was proposed, which would last nine months and would have an investment cost of S/ 1’118,423.93. This investment can be recovered in a period of one year, six months and 29 days. Finally, a net present value (NPV) of S/2’364,957.16 and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 75% were obtained, in addition to a benefit/cost indicator of 3.11, which supports the viability of the implementation of the alternative solutions.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Industria minera--Perú, Administración de empresas, Control de procesos--Mejoramiento
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