Modelo ProLab: Bio Huevos, propuesta para promover el consumo de huevos orgánicos en la macrorregión Sur
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La situación política, económica y sanitaria del Perú ha generado un impacto negativo
respecto al acceso a alimentos nutritivos. En este contexto, el resultado del Índice Global del
Hambre del 2021 muestra un retroceso incluso considerando el crecimiento de la
agroexportación y el desarrollo económico de algunos departamentos.
Es importante destacar que la demanda de alimentos saludables está en constante aumento, y
un claro ejemplo de ello es que el Perú se posiciona como el tercer país con mayor demanda
de productos bajos en grasas y calorías en América Latina, según el informe de Puratos en
2021. En particular, en Arequipa y en el sur del país, se ha observado un creciente interés en
la ingesta de productos saludables, especialmente aquellos de origen natural, como es el caso
del huevo orgánico. Sin embargo, el acceso a este tipo de productos representa una dificultad
principal para el consumidor.
En vista de esta problemática, la propuesta de negocio "Bio Huevos" adquiere un carácter
socialmente relevante al contribuir a la promoción de una alimentación saludable, en
consonancia con el ODS 2. Este emprendimiento se enmarca en un mercado en ascenso,
garantizando el acceso a huevos orgánicos enriquecidos con Omega 3 a través de un proceso
de producción estandarizado y una estrategia de comercialización que incluye tanto
establecimientos físicos como una plataforma virtual, acercándose de manera efectiva al
En el análisis para la sostenibilidad financiera, se estima que el proyecto requiere una
inversión de 770,596.00 soles y 5 años para obtener un VAN de 3'632,661.50 soles.
Asimismo, el WACC es de 13.04% y la TIRM de 60% confirmando la viabilidad financiera
del proyecto. Asimismo, para la rentabilidad social, se estima un VANS de 2'979,546.00
The political, economic and health situation in Peru has generated a negative impact regarding access to nutritious food. In this context, the result of the 2021 Global Hunger Index shows a decline even considering the growth of agro-exports and the economic development of some departments. It is important to highlight that the demand for healthy foods is constantly increasing, and a clear example of this is that Peru is positioned as the third country with the highest demand for low-fat and low-calorie products in Latin America, according to the Puratos report in 2021. In particular, in Arequipa and in the south of the country, a growing interest has been observed in the intake of healthy products, especially those of natural origin, such as organic eggs. However, access to this type of products represents a main difficulty for the consumer. In view of this problem, the "Bio Huevos" business proposal acquires a socially relevant character by contributing to the promotion of healthy eating, in line with SDG 2. This venture is part of a rising market, guaranteeing access to organic eggs enriched with Omega 3 through a standardized production process and a marketing strategy that includes both physical establishments and virtual platforms, effectively approaching the consumer. In the analysis for financial sustainability, it is estimated that the project requires an investment of 770,596.00 soles and 5 years to obtain an NPV of 3'632,661.50 soles. Likewise, the WACC is 13.04% and the IRRm is 60% confirming the financial viability of the project. Likewise, for social profitability, a VANS of 2'979,546.00 soles is estimated.
The political, economic and health situation in Peru has generated a negative impact regarding access to nutritious food. In this context, the result of the 2021 Global Hunger Index shows a decline even considering the growth of agro-exports and the economic development of some departments. It is important to highlight that the demand for healthy foods is constantly increasing, and a clear example of this is that Peru is positioned as the third country with the highest demand for low-fat and low-calorie products in Latin America, according to the Puratos report in 2021. In particular, in Arequipa and in the south of the country, a growing interest has been observed in the intake of healthy products, especially those of natural origin, such as organic eggs. However, access to this type of products represents a main difficulty for the consumer. In view of this problem, the "Bio Huevos" business proposal acquires a socially relevant character by contributing to the promotion of healthy eating, in line with SDG 2. This venture is part of a rising market, guaranteeing access to organic eggs enriched with Omega 3 through a standardized production process and a marketing strategy that includes both physical establishments and virtual platforms, effectively approaching the consumer. In the analysis for financial sustainability, it is estimated that the project requires an investment of 770,596.00 soles and 5 years to obtain an NPV of 3'632,661.50 soles. Likewise, the WACC is 13.04% and the IRRm is 60% confirming the financial viability of the project. Likewise, for social profitability, a VANS of 2'979,546.00 soles is estimated.
Negocios--Planificación, Hábitos alimenticios, Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Perú
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