Comunicación y empoderamiento de la mujer: estrategia de comunicación como medio para visibilizar el rol que cumplen las mujeres yachachiq de Canas (Cusco) en el desarrollo económico local
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación tiene el objetivo de generar una propuesta comunicacional que permita
la visibilidad de las mujeres yachachiq de Canas, Cusco dentro de su comunidad, y el rol
de ellas en el desarrollo económico local. Estas mujeres, quienes se dedican
principalmente a la actividad agropecuaria, forman parte del Programa Sierra Productiva,
el cual desarrolló el enfoque del conocimiento campesino a campesino. Para ello, se hizo
uso de una metodología mixta. Se identificó una diferenciación en cuanto a las
percepciones respecto a las mujeres yachachiq a partir de su género. A nivel
comunicacional, la concepción que se tiene en Canas de comunicación como herramienta
meramente informativa opaca la importancia de la implementación de una estrategia de
comunicación. Frente a ello, se propone una estrategia de comunicación que visibiliza el
rol de las mujeres yachachiq como agentes de desarrollo, a través de la implementación
de un programa radial.
This research employs quantitative and qualitative methodology to generate a communication strategy that allows the visibility of the Yachachiq women of Canas, Cusco within their community, and of their role in local economic development. These women, who are mainly engaged in agricultural activities, are part of the Sierra Productiva Program, which developed the approach of peasant to peasant knowledge. In the community, a differentiation was identified regarding the perceptions about Yachachiq women based on their gender. At the communication level, the conception Canas has of communication as a merely informative tool obscures the importance of the implementation of a communication strategy. To cope with this, this paper proposes the implementation of a radio program as communication strategy that makes visible the role of Yachachiq women as agents of development.
This research employs quantitative and qualitative methodology to generate a communication strategy that allows the visibility of the Yachachiq women of Canas, Cusco within their community, and of their role in local economic development. These women, who are mainly engaged in agricultural activities, are part of the Sierra Productiva Program, which developed the approach of peasant to peasant knowledge. In the community, a differentiation was identified regarding the perceptions about Yachachiq women based on their gender. At the communication level, the conception Canas has of communication as a merely informative tool obscures the importance of the implementation of a communication strategy. To cope with this, this paper proposes the implementation of a radio program as communication strategy that makes visible the role of Yachachiq women as agents of development.
Mujeres--Comunicación, Mujeres en el desarrollo--Perú--Cuzco, Comunicación--Aspectos sociales
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