Impacto de las buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo en la generación de valor financiero de las empresas del sector hotelero en Lima - Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar una posible relación entre
las buenas prácticas del gobierno corporativo y la generación de valor financiero de las
empresas del sector hotelero de Lima en el 2015. La investigación fue de carácter cuantitativa
de tipo descriptivo, con un diseño transversal, no experimental. El instrumento utilizado fue
una encuesta estructurada, la cual se aplicó a la plana ejecutiva de 15 empresas hoteleras. El
cuestionario fue diseñado en dos partes: (a) la primera parte, consta de 23 preguntas
destinadas a medir el cumplimiento de buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo (prácticas
recomendadas por algunos códigos internacionales, así como autores conocedores del tema).
Las prácticas fueron agrupadas según los cinco pilares: accionistas, junta general de
accionistas, directorio, riesgo y cumplimiento, y transparencia y revelación de la información;
(b) la segunda parte, consta de cuatro preguntas destinadas a recolectar información referente
a los indicadores de valor financiero: RevPAR, ROE, ROA y EBITDA.
El análisis consistió en medir el grado de cumplimiento de las buenas prácticas
corporativas, así como el comportamiento de los indicadores de creación de valor de las
empresas hoteleras. Posteriormente se comparó la información de las empresas que
obtuvieron mayor porcentaje de cumplimiento de buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo,
con el desempeño en cada uno de los indicadores de valor financiero; el mismo
procedimiento fue aplicado a las empresas que obtuvieron un porcentaje de cumplimiento
menor. También se comparó la información según el grado de cumplimiento de las prácticas
de gobierno corporativo por cada pilar, con cada uno de los indicadores de valor financiero.
El resultado obtenido fue que no hay indicios suficientes que muestren una relación entre las
variables, pues se encontró que tanto las empresas con mayor porcentaje de cumplimiento de
buenas prácticas como las empresas con menor porcentaje de cumplimiento, tuvieron un
comportamiento variado en el desempeño de sus indicadores de valor financiero
he present research aims to determine if there is a relationship between the good practices of corporate governance and the generation of financial value of Lima hoteliers in 2015. The research was quantitative in nature descriptive, transversal, non-experimental. The instrument used was a structured survey, which was applied to the executive board of 15 hotel companies. The questionnaire was designed in two parts: (a) the first part consists of 23 questions aimed at measuring compliance with good corporate governance practices. (best practices by some international codes, as well as authors who are knowledgeable about the subject) The practices were grouped according to the five pillars: shareholders, general meeting of shareholders, board, risk and compliance, and transparency and disclosure of information; (b) the second part, consists of four questions aimed at collecting information regarding financial value indicators: RevPAR, ROE, ROA and EBITDA. The analysis consisted in measuring the degree of compliance with good corporate practices, as well as the behavior of the value creation indicators of hotel companies. Subsequently, the information of the companies that obtained the highest percentage of compliance with good corporate governance practices was compared, with performance in each of the financial value indicators; the same procedure was applied to the companies that obtained a lower compliance percentage. Information was also cross-referenced according to the degree of compliance with corporate governance practices for each pillar, with each indicator of financial value. The result was that there is not enough evidence to show the relationship between the variables, as it was found that both companies with a higher percentage of compliance with good practices and companies with a lower percentage of compliance have obtained a varied behavior in the performance of their indicators of financial value
he present research aims to determine if there is a relationship between the good practices of corporate governance and the generation of financial value of Lima hoteliers in 2015. The research was quantitative in nature descriptive, transversal, non-experimental. The instrument used was a structured survey, which was applied to the executive board of 15 hotel companies. The questionnaire was designed in two parts: (a) the first part consists of 23 questions aimed at measuring compliance with good corporate governance practices. (best practices by some international codes, as well as authors who are knowledgeable about the subject) The practices were grouped according to the five pillars: shareholders, general meeting of shareholders, board, risk and compliance, and transparency and disclosure of information; (b) the second part, consists of four questions aimed at collecting information regarding financial value indicators: RevPAR, ROE, ROA and EBITDA. The analysis consisted in measuring the degree of compliance with good corporate practices, as well as the behavior of the value creation indicators of hotel companies. Subsequently, the information of the companies that obtained the highest percentage of compliance with good corporate governance practices was compared, with performance in each of the financial value indicators; the same procedure was applied to the companies that obtained a lower compliance percentage. Information was also cross-referenced according to the degree of compliance with corporate governance practices for each pillar, with each indicator of financial value. The result was that there is not enough evidence to show the relationship between the variables, as it was found that both companies with a higher percentage of compliance with good practices and companies with a lower percentage of compliance have obtained a varied behavior in the performance of their indicators of financial value
Valor -- Finanzas, Investigación cualitativa
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