Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución Nº 3412-2018/SPCINDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo de este informe es analizar el pronunciamiento de la Sala Especializada en
Protección al Consumidor del INDECOPI contenido en la Resolución Nº 3412-2018/SPCINDECOPI, con relación a una denuncia presentada por el titular de una tarjeta de crédito frente
a una empresa del Sistema Financiero por operaciones no reconocidas. La justificación de la
elección de la resolución radica en la configuración del patrón de consumo que debe analizarse
a partir de la ausencia de operaciones dentro del historial de consumos del usuario. Para ello,
se analizan los problemas jurídicos vinculados al monitoreo de operaciones y sistema de alertas
de operaciones no reconocidas como medidas de seguridad que deben cumplir las empresas del
Sistema Financiero. Asimismo, se analiza el concepto jurídico de comportamiento habitual o
patrón de consumo que las citadas empresas deben considerar para la implementación de las
mencionadas medidas de seguridad, tanto a nivel normativo como jurisprudencial. Finalmente,
el informe concluye principalmente que: i) la empresa denunciada vulneró el deber de
idoneidad por no cumplir con las medidas de seguridad con respecto al monitoreo y alerta de
las seis operaciones efectuadas con la tarjeta de crédito del usuario y ii) deben considerarse
como parte del comportamiento habitual de consumo, la ausencia de operaciones.
The purpose of this legal report is to analyze the pronouncement of the Specialized Chamber for Consumer Protection of INDECOPI contained in Resolution Nº 3412-2018/SPCINDECOPI, in relation to a complaint filed by a credit card holder against a company of the Financial System for unrecognized operations. The justification for the choice of the resolution lies in the configuration of the consumption pattern to be analyzed based on the absence of operations within the user's consumption history. For this purpose, the legal problems related to the monitoring of transactions and the system of alerts of unrecognized operations as security measures to be complied by the companies of the Financial System are analyzed. It also analyzes the legal concept of habitual behavior or pattern of consumption that the aforementioned companies must consider for the implementation of the aforementioned security measures, both at the regulatory and jurisprudential level. Finally, the report mainly concludes that: i) the denounced company violated the duty of suitability for not complying with the security measures with respect to the monitoring and alert of the six transactions made with the user's credit card and ii) the absence of transactions should be considered as part of the habitual consumption behavior.
The purpose of this legal report is to analyze the pronouncement of the Specialized Chamber for Consumer Protection of INDECOPI contained in Resolution Nº 3412-2018/SPCINDECOPI, in relation to a complaint filed by a credit card holder against a company of the Financial System for unrecognized operations. The justification for the choice of the resolution lies in the configuration of the consumption pattern to be analyzed based on the absence of operations within the user's consumption history. For this purpose, the legal problems related to the monitoring of transactions and the system of alerts of unrecognized operations as security measures to be complied by the companies of the Financial System are analyzed. It also analyzes the legal concept of habitual behavior or pattern of consumption that the aforementioned companies must consider for the implementation of the aforementioned security measures, both at the regulatory and jurisprudential level. Finally, the report mainly concludes that: i) the denounced company violated the duty of suitability for not complying with the security measures with respect to the monitoring and alert of the six transactions made with the user's credit card and ii) the absence of transactions should be considered as part of the habitual consumption behavior.
Protección del consumidor--Legislación, Comportamiento del consumidor, Tarjetas de crédito, Bancos--Legislación--Perú
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