Análisis de los servicios y acciones de la IPREDA Stewardship Sinergia para la promoción del empoderamiento y la autonomía económica de las mujeres usuarias, en la provincia de Trujillo, distrito de La Esperanza, durante el período 2015-2016
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación de tipo cualitativo tuvo como finalidad determinar cómo
contribuyen los servicios y acciones de la IPREDA Stewardship Sinergia en la
promoción del empoderamiento y la autonomía económica de las mujeres
usuarias, en el distrito de La Esperanza, provincia de Trujillo, durante el período
2015-2016. Se utilizó el método no probabilístico para la selección de la muestra,
conformada por: 19 mujeres usuarias, 2 analistas de crédito y un directivo
institucional. La población objetivo son aquellas mujeres de 21 a 65 años que
tienen un emprendimiento de negocio y que llevan 1 año o más haciendo uso del
servicio de la IPREDA. Se elaboraron 3 guías de entrevista (para mujeres
usuarias, analistas de crédito y un directivo institucional), 1 guía de historia de vida
(para mujeres usuarias) y la matriz de revisión documental (para reporte de mora
y el plan de trabajo institucional).
De los resultados obtenidos se concluye que: el servicio de créditos y acciones
complementarias para la implementación de microemprendimientos, que brinda
IPREDA STEWARDSHIP SINERGIA a Mujeres, constituye una experiencia
exitosa para las mujeres, puesto que contribuye en la mejora de sus
emprendimientos (negocio), empoderamiento y autonomía económica. Las
formas de atención del personal hacia las usuarias son de muy buena calidad y
generan un clima de confianza. Asimismo, las estrategias para motivar su
participación y mantener el contacto con ellas: promoción de servicios y
actividades, seguimiento personalizado, y asesoría para crecimiento personal y
empresarial; contribuyen a su empoderamiento y el logro de la autonomía
económica. Del mismo modo, la mayoría de las mujeres reconocen sus principales
motivaciones: autorrealización, bienestar para su familia; y factores que influyen
en el éxito de un emprendimiento: la perseverancia y confianza en sí mismas, lo
cual está vinculado con el fortalecimiento de su empoderamiento y autonomía
The purpose of this qualitative research was to determine how the services and actions of the IPREDA Stewardship Synergy contribute to the promotion of empowerment and economic autonomy of women users, in the district of La Esperanza, province of Trujillo, during the period 2015 -2016. The non-probabilistic method was used for the selection of the sample, consisting of: 19 female users, 2 credit analysts and one director of the institution. The target population is those women between the ages of 21 and 65 who have project business and they have been using the IPREDA service for 1 year or more. Three interview guides were prepared (for female users, for credit analysts, for a director of the institution), 1 life history guide (for female users) and the documentary review matrix (for report of arrears and the work plan of the institution). From the results obtained, it is concluded that: the service of credits and complementary actions for the implementation of micro-enterprises, which provides IPREDA STEWARDSHIP SINERGIA to Women, constitutes a successful experience for women, since it contributes to the improvement of their enterprises (business), empowerment and economic autonomy. The forms of attention of the personnel towards the users are of a very good quality and generate a climate of trust. Likewise, the strategies to motivate their participation and maintain contact with them: promotion of services and activities, personalized follow-up, and advice for personal and business growth; contribute to their empowerment and the achievement of economic autonomy. In the same way, most women recognize their main motivations: self-realization, well-being for their family; and factors that influence the success of an enterprise: perseverance and self-confidence, which is linked to the strengthening of its empowerment and economic autonomy.
The purpose of this qualitative research was to determine how the services and actions of the IPREDA Stewardship Synergy contribute to the promotion of empowerment and economic autonomy of women users, in the district of La Esperanza, province of Trujillo, during the period 2015 -2016. The non-probabilistic method was used for the selection of the sample, consisting of: 19 female users, 2 credit analysts and one director of the institution. The target population is those women between the ages of 21 and 65 who have project business and they have been using the IPREDA service for 1 year or more. Three interview guides were prepared (for female users, for credit analysts, for a director of the institution), 1 life history guide (for female users) and the documentary review matrix (for report of arrears and the work plan of the institution). From the results obtained, it is concluded that: the service of credits and complementary actions for the implementation of micro-enterprises, which provides IPREDA STEWARDSHIP SINERGIA to Women, constitutes a successful experience for women, since it contributes to the improvement of their enterprises (business), empowerment and economic autonomy. The forms of attention of the personnel towards the users are of a very good quality and generate a climate of trust. Likewise, the strategies to motivate their participation and maintain contact with them: promotion of services and activities, personalized follow-up, and advice for personal and business growth; contribute to their empowerment and the achievement of economic autonomy. In the same way, most women recognize their main motivations: self-realization, well-being for their family; and factors that influence the success of an enterprise: perseverance and self-confidence, which is linked to the strengthening of its empowerment and economic autonomy.
Mujeres--Perú--La Esperanza (Trujillo : Distrito)--Condiciones económicas, Mujeres--Perú--La Esperanza (Trujillo : Distrito)--Condiciones sociales, Mujeres--Trabajo--La Esperanza (Trujillo : Distrito), Mujeres en los negocios--Perú--La Esperanza (Trujillo : Distirto), Poder (Ciencias sociales), Trujillo ( La Libertad : Provincia)--Condiciones sociales
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