Business Consulting: análisis de la disminución de los pedidos de piezas de acero de la empresa MEPSA Aceros Chilca SA
Deza Daza, Diana Doris
Schain Velarde, Daniel
Dávila Arellano, Cleidy Candy
Muguruza Vega, Rhandy Freddy
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo se creó para analizar y proponer soluciones a los desafíos actuales de
MEPSA Aceros Chilca. La empresa ha disminuido su demanda de piezas por diversos
factores, como cambios en los requerimientos de los clientes, la entrada de nuevos
competidores y la carencia de estrategias orientadas a cubrir el mercado. Esta tesis se
considera de suma importancia para la empresa, ya que aborda problemas críticos que afectan
directamente su competitividad y rentabilidad en el mercado.
El objetivo principal es proporcionar recomendaciones estratégicas concretas que
permitan a la empresa enfrentar los problemas descritos y recuperar su posición en el
mercado. Para lograrlo, se hizo un análisis minucioso de la situación actual de la empresa,
incluyendo una revisión de sus operaciones, estructura organizativa, contexto del sector
industrial donde se desenvuelve, proceso de ventas, características internas y competitividad
en el mercado. Además, se llevaron a cabo entrevistas con personal clave de la empresa para
comprender mejor los retos internos y externos que enfrenta.
Las principales soluciones propuestas incluyen la implementación de una nueva línea
de piezas pequeñas, el establecimiento de un área de marketing dedicada y la exploración de
nuevas oportunidades de mercado. Se espera que la implementación de estas
recomendaciones permita a la empresa recuperar su posición en el mercado y lograr un
crecimiento sostenible a largo plazo gracias a la mejora en su competitividad.
Con la implementación de estas soluciones se espera recuperar la inversión en cuatro
años obteniendo un beneficio entre 0.04 y 0.13 dólares por cada dólar invertido.
Posteriormente a la implementación de las recomendaciones, MEPSA Aceros Chilca contará
con una propuesta mejorada de sus productos, fidelizará a sus clientes existentes e
incrementará su demanda, captará a nuevos clientes, optimizará el uso de sus recursos,
demostrará flexibilidad operativa y, finalmente, será una fundición más competitiva.
This work was created to analyze and propose solutions to MEPSA Aceros Chilca's current challenges. The company has decreased its demand for parts due to several factors, such as changes in customer requirements, the entry of new competitors and the lack of strategies aimed at covering the market. This thesis is considered of utmost importance for the company, as it addresses critical problems that directly affect its competitiveness and profitability in the market. The main objective is to provide concrete strategic recommendations that will allow the company to face the problems described and recover its position in the market. To achieve this, a thorough analysis of the company's current situation was conducted, including a review of its operations, organizational structure, context of the industrial sector in which it operates, sales process, internal characteristics, and market competitiveness. In addition, interviews were conducted with key company personnel to better understand the internal and external challenges faced by the company. The main proposed solutions include the implementation of a new small parts line, the establishment of a dedicated marketing area, and the exploration of new market opportunities. The implementation of these recommendations is expected to enable the company to regain its market position and achieve long-term sustainable growth through improved competitiveness. With the implementation of the solutions, it is expected that the investment will be recovered in four years, obtaining a profit between 0.04 and 0.13 dollars for each dollar invested. After implementing the recommendations, MEPSA Aceros Chilca will have its own improved product offering, increase customer loyalty and demand, attract new customers, optimize the use of its resources, demonstrate operational flexibility, and become a more competitive smelter.
This work was created to analyze and propose solutions to MEPSA Aceros Chilca's current challenges. The company has decreased its demand for parts due to several factors, such as changes in customer requirements, the entry of new competitors and the lack of strategies aimed at covering the market. This thesis is considered of utmost importance for the company, as it addresses critical problems that directly affect its competitiveness and profitability in the market. The main objective is to provide concrete strategic recommendations that will allow the company to face the problems described and recover its position in the market. To achieve this, a thorough analysis of the company's current situation was conducted, including a review of its operations, organizational structure, context of the industrial sector in which it operates, sales process, internal characteristics, and market competitiveness. In addition, interviews were conducted with key company personnel to better understand the internal and external challenges faced by the company. The main proposed solutions include the implementation of a new small parts line, the establishment of a dedicated marketing area, and the exploration of new market opportunities. The implementation of these recommendations is expected to enable the company to regain its market position and achieve long-term sustainable growth through improved competitiveness. With the implementation of the solutions, it is expected that the investment will be recovered in four years, obtaining a profit between 0.04 and 0.13 dollars for each dollar invested. After implementing the recommendations, MEPSA Aceros Chilca will have its own improved product offering, increase customer loyalty and demand, attract new customers, optimize the use of its resources, demonstrate operational flexibility, and become a more competitive smelter.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Acero--Industria y comercio