Informe jurídico sobre el Expediente N°00675- 2017-0-2701-JM-CI-01, Resolución N° 28
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Comunidad Nativa de Tres Islas experimentó alteraciones debido a
actividades de tala y minería que se realizaban dentro de su territorio, lo que
resultó en la degradación del medio ambiente y un aumento en la criminalidad.
El problema principal en el fallo que se está analizando es si la decisión de la
Corte Superior de anular los actos administrativos inconsultos infringe los
derechos y garantías de los administrados. Los problemas secundarios incluyen
la aplicabilidad de la consulta previa en Perú, los derechos colectivos de los
pueblos indígenas que podrían haber sido afectados y los derechos de los
administrados que podrían haber sido violados. Así como la proporcionalidad de
la anulación de los actos administrativos.
Se destaca el derecho en discusión es un derecho fundamental. Sin embargo, la
decisión de la Corte Superior de anular los actos administrativos, protegiendo los
derechos indígenas, también infringió los derechos y garantías de los
administrados, sugiriendo la necesidad de equilibrio y consideración de
mecanismos menos dañinos para abordar la omisión de la consulta previa.
The Native Community of Tres Islas experienced alterations due to logging and mining activities taking place within its territory, resulting in environmental degradation and an increase in crime. The primary issue in the ruling under analysis is whether the Superior Court's decision to annul the unconsulted administrative acts infringes on the rights and guarantees of the administrators. Secondary issues include the applicability of prior consultation in Peru, the collective rights of the indigenous peoples that may have been affected and the rights of the administrators that may have been violated. As well as the proportionality of the annulment of administrative acts. The right under discussion is a fundamental right. However, the Superior Court's decision to annul the administrative acts, protecting the indigenous rights, also infringed on the rights and guarantees of the administrators, suggesting the need for balance and consideration of less harmful mechanisms to address the omission of prior consultation.
The Native Community of Tres Islas experienced alterations due to logging and mining activities taking place within its territory, resulting in environmental degradation and an increase in crime. The primary issue in the ruling under analysis is whether the Superior Court's decision to annul the unconsulted administrative acts infringes on the rights and guarantees of the administrators. Secondary issues include the applicability of prior consultation in Peru, the collective rights of the indigenous peoples that may have been affected and the rights of the administrators that may have been violated. As well as the proportionality of the annulment of administrative acts. The right under discussion is a fundamental right. However, the Superior Court's decision to annul the administrative acts, protecting the indigenous rights, also infringed on the rights and guarantees of the administrators, suggesting the need for balance and consideration of less harmful mechanisms to address the omission of prior consultation.
Pueblos indígenas--Relaciones gubernamentales--Perú--Madre de Dios, Actos administrativos--Perú--Madre de Dios, Derecho indígena--Perú, Nulidad (Derecho)--Perú
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