Planeamiento estratégico del sector seguros en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Sector de Seguros en el Perú ha logrado un desarrollo sostenible los últimos 10
años, con tasas de crecimiento anual por encima del promedio mundial, soportado por el
crecimiento económico, normativa, estabilidad y la disminución de la pobreza, incluso a
pesar de su bajo ratio de penetración en el PBI peruano. Con esta base el sector tiene óptimas
perspectivas de crecimiento para los próximos cinco años, existiendo oportunidades en nichos
de mercado no explotados, informalidad y bono demográfico entre otros, sin embargo
también se muestran riesgos que podrían frenar dicho impulso. El analizar y entender dichas
fuerzas operantes fuera y dentro del sector ayudará a definir prioridades estratégicas y
tácticas, esa es la propuesta en este Plan Estratégico, que en cinco años, en el 2021 el sector
asegurador peruano produzca primas que representen un 2.5% del PBI cumpliendo a
cabalidad su compromiso con la sociedad que es dar soporte y fomentar una cultura de
protección que minimice el impacto económico ante desastres naturales y financieros,
logrando que se tengan planes e inversiones a largo plazo para el desarrollo y crecimiento de
los individuos, familias, industrias y el Perú.
Este Plan Estratégico formula cuatro objetivos de largo plazo enfocados en
producción de primas, rentabilidad, microseguros en sectores socio económicos C-D y el
incremento de viviendas, locales industriales y empresas de servicio aseguradas contra
desastres, en base a ello se formularon 18 estrategias referidas al producto, al cliente, a los
canales de ventas, a la cultura de seguros, a la formulación de leyes, descentralización del
sector, obteniéndose ocho estrategias que conforman con los objetivos de corto plazo los
hitos para lograr la visión formulada
The Insurance Division in Peru has made sustainable development the last 10 years, with annual growth rates above the world average supported by economic growth, regulation, stability and poverty reduction; even despite its low rate of infiltration in the Peruvian PBI. On this basis the sector has excellent prospects for growth over the next five years, existing opportunities in unexploited place markets, informality and demographic bonus among others; however risks that could slow this momentum are also shown, analyzing and understanding these task forces on and within the sector will help define strategic and tactical priorities. That's the proposal in this Strategic Plan, that in five years in 2021 the Peruvian insurance industry to produce premium representing 2.5% of PBI complying fully its commitment to society is to support and promote a culture of protection that minimizes the economic impact to natural and financial disasters, making plans and investments to longterm development and growth of individuals, families, industries and Peru as a country. This Strategic Plan positions forward four long-term goals focused on premium production, profitability, micro insurance socioeconomic C-D and the increase in housing, industrial premises and service companies insured against natural disasters, based on that 18 strategies related to product, customer, sales channels, the insurance culture, to the formulation of laws, decentralization of the sector were made, resulting in eight strategies that conform to the objectives of short-term milestones formulated to achieve the vision
The Insurance Division in Peru has made sustainable development the last 10 years, with annual growth rates above the world average supported by economic growth, regulation, stability and poverty reduction; even despite its low rate of infiltration in the Peruvian PBI. On this basis the sector has excellent prospects for growth over the next five years, existing opportunities in unexploited place markets, informality and demographic bonus among others; however risks that could slow this momentum are also shown, analyzing and understanding these task forces on and within the sector will help define strategic and tactical priorities. That's the proposal in this Strategic Plan, that in five years in 2021 the Peruvian insurance industry to produce premium representing 2.5% of PBI complying fully its commitment to society is to support and promote a culture of protection that minimizes the economic impact to natural and financial disasters, making plans and investments to longterm development and growth of individuals, families, industries and Peru as a country. This Strategic Plan positions forward four long-term goals focused on premium production, profitability, micro insurance socioeconomic C-D and the increase in housing, industrial premises and service companies insured against natural disasters, based on that 18 strategies related to product, customer, sales channels, the insurance culture, to the formulation of laws, decentralization of the sector were made, resulting in eight strategies that conform to the objectives of short-term milestones formulated to achieve the vision
Seguros -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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