Momentos de cambio en dos procesos de psicoterapia breve: Comparación entre estilo de personalidad anaclítica e introyectiva
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La siguiente investigación tuvo como objetivo comparar el proceso de cambio subjetivo
durante la psicoterapia psicoanalítica focal de dos consultantes mujeres con estilos de
personalidad diferentes. Esto con el propósito de estudiar dos estilos de personalidad que
muestran mayor vulnerabilidad a la depresión: Anaclítica e Introyectiva. Para ello se
compararon los Momentos de Cambio que correspondían a los Indicadores Genéricos de
Cambio 05, 08 y 11 propuestos por Krause y Altimir (2018). Se utilizó un diseño de
investigación cualitativa de estudio de caso múltiple y se realizó un análisis temático de
manera inductiva para identificar patrones que evidencien las diferencias y similitudes
presentadas. Los resultados muestran que en relación al IGC 05, ambas pacientes
establecen como foco de trabajo el polo opuesto a su patrón actual. Ello implicó que el
sujeto de sus elaboraciones cambie y problematicen la forma en que manejaban sus
emociones en el plano vincular. En cuanto al IGC 08, en ambos casos han identificado
emociones que tienden a excluir de su narrativa. Frente a ello, se muestra un intento por
reconocer y delimitar esa experiencia afectiva, a la vez que se reconocen las formas en
que cada una ha intentado regularlos frente al temor de descontrol. Por último, en el IGC
11 se reconoce el intento de las pacientes por darle sentido a sus patrones afectivos
actuales en base a sus vivencias pasadas de separación. Estos resultados se discuten a
partir del trabajo sobre los afectos y su aporte a la construcción de un self más integrado,
el rol de la relación terapéutica frente a cada estilo de personalidad, y la importancia que
tiene para los procesos terapéuticos el reconocimiento de la personalidad.
The following research aimed to compare the process of subjective change during focal psychoanalytic psychotherapy of two female clients with different personality styles. This with the purpose of studying two personality styles that show greater vulnerability to depression: Anaclitic and Introjective. For this, the Moments of Change that corresponded to the Generic Indicators of Change 05, 08 and 11 proposed by Krause and Altimir (2018) were compared. A qualitative research design of a multiple case study was used and an inductive thematic analysis was carried out to identify patterns that evidence the differences and similarities presented. The results show that in relation to the IGC 05, both patients establish the pole opposite to their current pattern as their focus of work. This implied that the subject of their elaborations change and problematize the way in which they handled their emotions. Regarding the IGC 08, in both cases they have identified emotions that they tend to exclude from their narrative. Faced with this, an attempt is shown to recognize and delimit that affective experience, while recognizing the ways in which each one has tried to regulate them in the face of fear of lack of control. Finally, IGC 11 recognizes the patients' attempt to make sense of their current affective patterns based on their past experiences of separation. These results are discussed based on the work on affects and their contribution to the construction of a more integrated self, the role of the therapeutic relationship in relation to each personality style, and the importance of recognizing personality for therapeutic processes.
The following research aimed to compare the process of subjective change during focal psychoanalytic psychotherapy of two female clients with different personality styles. This with the purpose of studying two personality styles that show greater vulnerability to depression: Anaclitic and Introjective. For this, the Moments of Change that corresponded to the Generic Indicators of Change 05, 08 and 11 proposed by Krause and Altimir (2018) were compared. A qualitative research design of a multiple case study was used and an inductive thematic analysis was carried out to identify patterns that evidence the differences and similarities presented. The results show that in relation to the IGC 05, both patients establish the pole opposite to their current pattern as their focus of work. This implied that the subject of their elaborations change and problematize the way in which they handled their emotions. Regarding the IGC 08, in both cases they have identified emotions that they tend to exclude from their narrative. Faced with this, an attempt is shown to recognize and delimit that affective experience, while recognizing the ways in which each one has tried to regulate them in the face of fear of lack of control. Finally, IGC 11 recognizes the patients' attempt to make sense of their current affective patterns based on their past experiences of separation. These results are discussed based on the work on affects and their contribution to the construction of a more integrated self, the role of the therapeutic relationship in relation to each personality style, and the importance of recognizing personality for therapeutic processes.
Psicoterapia breve, Depresión en mujeres, Personalidad--Evaluación, Personalidad y emociones