Bodemás, aplicativo móvil de delivery para las bodegas de los conos de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El ama de casa moderna no solo busca economizar, sino también utilizar mejor su
tiempo en actividades de mayor relevancia para ella y generar ingresos que contribuyan con
la mejora de su calidad de vida. Esto afecta en mayor medida a los hogares de los niveles
socioeconómicos C y D de la capital, quienes utilizan su tiempo y recursos comprando
principalmente en el canal tradicional de forma presencial. La solución a esta necesidad se
llama Bodemás, aplicativo móvil de delivery que conecta al ama de casa con las bodegas de
su entorno sin afectar su economía y generando mayores ingresos a los bodegueros mediante
una herramienta que lo introduce en el e-commerce de forma sencilla y rentable.
Dentro del presente trabajo se realizó un proceso para encontrar el diseño de la
solución que satisfaga a los usuarios se utilizaron las metodologías de Design Thinking, Lean
y Agile, para comprender el problema centrándose en los usuarios, crear una propuesta de
solución y formular una serie de hipótesis acerca del modelo a ser implementado para validar
la deseabilidad, factibilidad y viabilidad del mismo. Este proceso se mantuvo hasta lograr un
producto que sea aceptable para el mercado, y tenga la relevancia y el impacto social
El equipo de trabajo concluye que, Bodemás es un modelo de negocio que genera
valor económico y un importante valor social. Con una inversión inicial de S/. 249,560 en el
año cero, se proyecta un VAN financiero de S/ 1,474,329 con una TIR de 21.3% en los
primeros 10 años de operación, generando un VAN Social de S/ 3’935,153. Cabe resaltar que
la propuesta está alineada con los algunos de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, en
especial con el objetivo 8, mejorando la productividad, promoviendo la inclusión y
fomentando el crecimiento de las microempresas.
The modern housewife not only seeks to save money, but also to better use her time in activities of greater relevance to her and to generate income that contributes to the improvement of her quality of life. This affects to a greater extent the households of socioeconomic levels C and D in the capital, who use their time and resources buying mainly in the traditional channel in person. The solution to this need is called Bodemás, a mobile delivery application that connects the housewife with the grocery store in her environment without affecting her economy and generating greater income for the shopkeeper through a tool that introduces it to e-commerce in an easy way and profitable. Within the present work, a process was carried out to find the design of the solution that satisfies the users, the methodologies of Design Thinking, Lean and Agile were used, to understand the problem by focusing on users, create a solution proposal and formulate a series of hypotheses about the model to be implemented to validate its desirability, feasibility and viability. This process was followed until a product was achieved that was acceptable to the market and had the expected relevance and social impact. The work team concludes that Bodemás is a business model that generates economic value and an important social value. With an initial investment of S /. 249,560 in year zero, a financial NPV of S / 1,474,329 is projected with an IRR of 21.3% in the first 10 years of operation, generating a Social NPV of S / 3'935,153. It should be noted that the proposition is aligned with some of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially with Goal 8, improving productivity, promoting inclusion and fostering the growth of micro-enterprises.
The modern housewife not only seeks to save money, but also to better use her time in activities of greater relevance to her and to generate income that contributes to the improvement of her quality of life. This affects to a greater extent the households of socioeconomic levels C and D in the capital, who use their time and resources buying mainly in the traditional channel in person. The solution to this need is called Bodemás, a mobile delivery application that connects the housewife with the grocery store in her environment without affecting her economy and generating greater income for the shopkeeper through a tool that introduces it to e-commerce in an easy way and profitable. Within the present work, a process was carried out to find the design of the solution that satisfies the users, the methodologies of Design Thinking, Lean and Agile were used, to understand the problem by focusing on users, create a solution proposal and formulate a series of hypotheses about the model to be implemented to validate its desirability, feasibility and viability. This process was followed until a product was achieved that was acceptable to the market and had the expected relevance and social impact. The work team concludes that Bodemás is a business model that generates economic value and an important social value. With an initial investment of S /. 249,560 in year zero, a financial NPV of S / 1,474,329 is projected with an IRR of 21.3% in the first 10 years of operation, generating a Social NPV of S / 3'935,153. It should be noted that the proposition is aligned with some of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially with Goal 8, improving productivity, promoting inclusion and fostering the growth of micro-enterprises.
Dispositivos móviles--Aplicaciones, Comercio electrónico, Bodegas, Desarrollo sostenible--Perú
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