Regulación emocional y estrategias de afrontamiento en alumnos preuniversitarios de una academia de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal conocer la relación entre
la autorregulación emocional y los estilos de afrontamiento en una muestra de 210
alumnos preuniversitarios de una academia de Lima, conformada por 100 hombres y
110 mujeres con una edad promedio de 17 y una DE de 1.072. Se buscó conocer las
diferencias de acuerdo al sexo en las variables antes mencionadas. Para esto se aplicó el
cuestionario de autorregulación emocional ERQP y el cuestionario de estilos de
afrontamiento COPE. Se encontró relación entre la estrategia de regulación emocional
“supresión de emociones” y los tipos de afrontamiento “contención del afrontamiento”
y “búsqueda de soporte social”. En cuanto a la reinterpretación positiva, se asoció con el
afrontamiento activo, la planificación, la contención del afrontamiento y la
reinterpretación positiva. En la comparación entre hombres y mujeres, las mujeres
utilizan más el afrontamiento religioso y la búsqueda de soporte social que los hombres,
y estos se diferencian por usar más el humor que las mujeres. Finalmente, se encontró
una relación entre el uso del afrontamiento evitativo con relación al tiempo de
preparación, la cantidad de veces que se ha postulado y el nivel académico percibido
por la academia, donde el uso de las estrategias de evitación es menos frecuente según
el estudiante se adapta al ambiente pre universitario, realiza más exámenes de admisión
y mejora su nivel académico
The main objective of the present investigation was to know the relationship between emotional self-regulation and coping styles in a sample of 210 pre-university students from an academy located in Lima, made up of 100 men and 110 women with an average age of 17 and a SD of 1.072. To know the differences according to sex in the variables previously determined the emotional self-regulation questionnaire (ERQP) and the coping styles questionnaire (COPE) were applied. The emotional regulation strategy “suppression of emotions” and the types of confrontation “confrontation containment” and “search for social support” were related. Regarding positive reinterpretation, it is associated with active coping, planning, confrontation containment and positive reinterpretation. In the comparison between men and women, women have more religious confrontation and the search for social support than men, and men differ in using humor more than women. Finally, a relationship was found between the use of avoidant coping in relation to preparation time, the number of times it has been applied and the academic level perceived by the academy, where the use of avoidance strategies is less frequent according to the student. adapts to the pre-university environment, takes more exams and improves their academic level.
The main objective of the present investigation was to know the relationship between emotional self-regulation and coping styles in a sample of 210 pre-university students from an academy located in Lima, made up of 100 men and 110 women with an average age of 17 and a SD of 1.072. To know the differences according to sex in the variables previously determined the emotional self-regulation questionnaire (ERQP) and the coping styles questionnaire (COPE) were applied. The emotional regulation strategy “suppression of emotions” and the types of confrontation “confrontation containment” and “search for social support” were related. Regarding positive reinterpretation, it is associated with active coping, planning, confrontation containment and positive reinterpretation. In the comparison between men and women, women have more religious confrontation and the search for social support than men, and men differ in using humor more than women. Finally, a relationship was found between the use of avoidant coping in relation to preparation time, the number of times it has been applied and the academic level perceived by the academy, where the use of avoidance strategies is less frequent according to the student. adapts to the pre-university environment, takes more exams and improves their academic level.
Educación preuniversitaria--Perú--Lima, Estudiantes--Investigaciones, Emociones--Aspectos psicológicos, Control (Psicología)
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