Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución de Superintendencia Adjunta SMV N° 056-2016-SMV/11
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El informe analiza las implicancias legales de la operación de adquisición de
Corporación Lindley S.A. por parte de Arca Continental S.A.B. de C.V., centrando
su atención en la Resolución de la Superintendencia Adjunta SMV N° 056-2016-
SMV/11. Se identifican infracciones relacionadas con la omisión y comunicación
inexacta de hechos de importancia, esenciales para garantizar la transparencia
en el Mercado de Valores peruano.
Los principales hallazgos abordan cuatro cargos específicos: la divulgación
incompleta sobre el inicio del proceso de due diligence, el conocimiento de
planes de cambio en el control accionario, la permanencia del Señor Lindley
como presidente del directorio, y acuerdos como la cláusula de no competencia
entre Arca Continental y la Familia Lindley. El análisis concluye que estas
omisiones generaron asimetrías informativas que afectaron el principio de
transparencia, perjudicando a los inversionistas minoritarios.
Se destaca la necesidad de un análisis de materialidad exhaustivo en las
operaciones de fusiones y adquisiciones, y se subraya la importancia de la
divulgación veraz, oportuna y suficiente de información relevante para proteger
la confianza en el mercado. El informe también ofrece recomendaciones para
fortalecer la regulación sobre la divulgación de hechos de importancia.
The report analyzes the legal implications of the acquisition of Corporación Lindley S.A. by Arca Continental S.A.B. de C.V., focusing on the Resolution of the Deputy Superintendent SMV No. 056-2016-SMV/11. It identifies violations related to the omission and inaccurate communication of material facts, which are essential to ensuring transparency in the Peruvian Capital Market. The main findings address four specific charges: the incomplete disclosure of the start of the due diligence process, the knowledge of plans to change control of the company, the continued tenure of Mr. Lindley as Chairman of the Board, and agreements such as the non-compete clause between Arca Continental and the Lindley family. The analysis concludes that these omissions generated informational asymmetries that undermined the principle of transparency, harming minority investors. The report emphasizes the need for a comprehensive materiality analysis in mergers and acquisitions operations, highlighting the importance of accurate, timely, and sufficient disclosure of relevant information to protect market confidence. It also offers recommendations to strengthen regulations on the disclosure of material facts.
The report analyzes the legal implications of the acquisition of Corporación Lindley S.A. by Arca Continental S.A.B. de C.V., focusing on the Resolution of the Deputy Superintendent SMV No. 056-2016-SMV/11. It identifies violations related to the omission and inaccurate communication of material facts, which are essential to ensuring transparency in the Peruvian Capital Market. The main findings address four specific charges: the incomplete disclosure of the start of the due diligence process, the knowledge of plans to change control of the company, the continued tenure of Mr. Lindley as Chairman of the Board, and agreements such as the non-compete clause between Arca Continental and the Lindley family. The analysis concludes that these omissions generated informational asymmetries that undermined the principle of transparency, harming minority investors. The report emphasizes the need for a comprehensive materiality analysis in mergers and acquisitions operations, highlighting the importance of accurate, timely, and sufficient disclosure of relevant information to protect market confidence. It also offers recommendations to strengthen regulations on the disclosure of material facts.
Fusión de empresas--Perú, Mercado de valores--Perú, Derecho societario--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Sanciones administrativas--Jurisprudencia--Perú
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