Recursos tecnológicos empleados por la docente para proponer experiencias de aprendizaje dentro del marco del programa Aprendo en Casa, con niños de 4 años de una institución pública
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis es una investigación empírica que tiene como objetivo el analizar el
uso de recursos tecnológicos empleados por la docente para proponer experiencias
de aprendizaje dentro del marco del programa Aprendo en casa a niños de 4 años de
una Institución Educativa Pública. Se trata de una investigación de enfoque cualitativo
y de nivel descriptivo, que se ajusta a la metodología de estudio de casos. La muestra
estuvo conformada por la docente principal de una de las aulas de cuatro años. La
técnica utilizada fue la entrevista y el análisis documental. La importancia del presente
estudio radica en contextualizar el marco de la educación a distancia y el uso de
recursos tecnológicos en el nivel de Educación Inicial. Así como describir los recursos
tecnológicos empleados en la educación a distancia para proponer las experiencias
de aprendizaje en el marco del programa Aprendo en Casa. A partir de los resultados
obtenidos, se observó que la docente hace uso de recursos tecnológicos de forma
diaria; sin embargo, estos pueden ser utilizados para otros momentos del día, no
necesariamente para proponer las experiencias de aprendizaje, sino como parte del
proceso evaluativo y de retroalimentación. Asimismo, se ha identificado que la
implementación de recursos tecnológicos se ha visto limitada por las posibilidades
económicas de las familias, ya que para otro tipo de recursos se necesita una banda
de conectividad mucho más amplias.
The present thesis is an empirical research that aims to analyze the use of technological resources employed by teachers to propose learning experiences within the framework of the “Aprendo en casa” program to 4 year-old children from a Public Educational Institution. It is an investigation with a qualitative approach and a descriptive level, which fits the case study methodology. The sample was made up of the main teacher of one of the four-year old classrooms. The technique used was the interview and in documentary analysis. The importance of this study lies in contextualizing the framework of distance education and the use of technological resources at the level of Initial Education. As well as describing the technological resources used in distance education to propose the learning experiences in the framework of the “Aprendo en casa” program. From the results obtained, it was observed that the teacher makes use of technological resources in a daily way; however, these can be used for other moments of the day, not necessarily to propose the learning experiences, but as part of the evaluation and feedback process. Likewise, it was identified that the implementation of technological resources has been limited by the economic possibilities of the families, since for other types of resources a much wider connectivity band is needed
The present thesis is an empirical research that aims to analyze the use of technological resources employed by teachers to propose learning experiences within the framework of the “Aprendo en casa” program to 4 year-old children from a Public Educational Institution. It is an investigation with a qualitative approach and a descriptive level, which fits the case study methodology. The sample was made up of the main teacher of one of the four-year old classrooms. The technique used was the interview and in documentary analysis. The importance of this study lies in contextualizing the framework of distance education and the use of technological resources at the level of Initial Education. As well as describing the technological resources used in distance education to propose the learning experiences in the framework of the “Aprendo en casa” program. From the results obtained, it was observed that the teacher makes use of technological resources in a daily way; however, these can be used for other moments of the day, not necessarily to propose the learning experiences, but as part of the evaluation and feedback process. Likewise, it was identified that the implementation of technological resources has been limited by the economic possibilities of the families, since for other types of resources a much wider connectivity band is needed
Educación preescolar--Perú--Investigaciones, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Impacto, Educación a distancia--Perú, Personal docente--Actitudes
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