Propuesta de solución y desarrollo de cuero ecológico de piña y moda sostenible, reduciendo la contaminación en Lima-Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El uso intensivo de productos contaminantes en la industria del cuero y calzado emite
gases de efecto invernadero (GEI). A nivel mundial se comercializan 24,200 millones de
pares de calzado, emitiendo 10.6 kg/par de dióxido de carbono (CO2). En el Perú se producen
anualmente 1’021,429 tn de rastrojo de piña que son eliminados mediante secado natural y/o
uso de químicos, generando emisiones de GEI del tipo metano (CH4) entre 926.42 – 1,294.81
y dióxido de carbono (CO2) entre 1,541.76 - 2,176.96 (kg/ha/año), considerando que se tienen
15,000 ha de cultivo de piña. Se buscará reducir la emisión de GEI y, enfocados en la
responsabilidad social, se brindará una nueva fuente de desarrollo socioeconómico a las
comunidades productoras de piña convirtiéndolas en el futuro en proveedores de materia
prima procesada.
En Lima la población con edad de 15 a 35 años está compuesta por 3’235,610
habitantes, los mismos que tienen patrones de consumo orientados a la responsabilidad social,
cuidado del medio ambiente, ecología, sostenibilidad, entre otros; mostrando, según estudios,
una pre disponibilidad de pagar hasta un 40% más por prendas que no dañen el medio
Para la fabricación del cuero vegetal en el Perú se necesita una inversión aproximada
de S/ 899,128 soles, cuyos beneficios para los inversionistas generan un VAN del proyecto de
S/ 2’021,629 soles. Así mismo el proyecto asegura el retorno de la inversión a partir del año
dos, genera una rentabilidad del 91.53% (TIR), obteniendo un ROIC de 76.02% en el primer
The intensive use of polluting products in the leather and footwear industry emit greenhouse gases (GHG). Wolrdwide 24,200 million pairs of footwear are traded, emitting 10.6 kg / pair of carbon dioxide (CO2). In Perú 1'021,429 tons of pineapple stubble are annually produced, which are eliminated by natural drying and / or the use of chemicals, generating GHG emissions of the methane type (CH4) between 926.42 - 1,294.81 and CO2 between 1,541.76 - 2,176.96 (kg / ha / year), considering that there are 15,000 ha of pineapple cultivation. It will be seek to reduce GHG emissions and, focused on social responsibility, provide a new source of socio-economic development to pineapple-producing communities, turning them into suppliers of processed raw material in the future. In Lima, the population aged 15 to 35 years is made up of 3,235,610 inhabitants, the same who have consumption patterns oriented to social responsibility, care for the environment, ecology, sustainability, among others; showing, according to studies, a willingness to pay up to 40% more for garments that do not harm the environment. For the production of vegetable leather in Peru, an approximate investment of USD 256,900 is needed, whose benefits for investors generate a NPV of the project of USD 577,608. Likewise, the project ensures the return on investment beginning with year two, generates a return of 91.53% (IRR), obtaining a ROIC of 76.02% in the first year.
The intensive use of polluting products in the leather and footwear industry emit greenhouse gases (GHG). Wolrdwide 24,200 million pairs of footwear are traded, emitting 10.6 kg / pair of carbon dioxide (CO2). In Perú 1'021,429 tons of pineapple stubble are annually produced, which are eliminated by natural drying and / or the use of chemicals, generating GHG emissions of the methane type (CH4) between 926.42 - 1,294.81 and CO2 between 1,541.76 - 2,176.96 (kg / ha / year), considering that there are 15,000 ha of pineapple cultivation. It will be seek to reduce GHG emissions and, focused on social responsibility, provide a new source of socio-economic development to pineapple-producing communities, turning them into suppliers of processed raw material in the future. In Lima, the population aged 15 to 35 years is made up of 3,235,610 inhabitants, the same who have consumption patterns oriented to social responsibility, care for the environment, ecology, sustainability, among others; showing, according to studies, a willingness to pay up to 40% more for garments that do not harm the environment. For the production of vegetable leather in Peru, an approximate investment of USD 256,900 is needed, whose benefits for investors generate a NPV of the project of USD 577,608. Likewise, the project ensures the return on investment beginning with year two, generates a return of 91.53% (IRR), obtaining a ROIC of 76.02% in the first year.
Cuero--Industria y comercio, Industria del calzado, Responsabilidad social, Proyectos de inversión