Modelo prolab: Gomi Hierro propuesta de lanzamiento al mercado peruano de gomitas con sangrecita para combatir la anemia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
De acuerdo al Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática, un tercio de la
población peruana entre 6 a 59 meses de edad tiene prevalencia de anemia, es decir, tiene un
diagnóstico médico derivado de una mala alimentación o desnutrición. Dicha dolencia trae
como consecuencia un desarrollo no optimo disminuyendo el desempeño escolar y la
productividad en la vida adulta, afectando la calidad de vida, competitividad e integridad de
las familias afectadas pertenecientes a los niveles socioeconómicos B y C cuyos hijos cuentan
con un rango de edad de entre 6 y 59 meses, los cuales presentan altos niveles de desnutrición
y se encuentran viviendo en las zonas más vulnerables del país. Este problema supone un
problema de responsabilidad social asociado a cada uno de los Objetivos de Desarrollo
Sostenible (ODS), los cuales son las metas sostenibles que ha propuesto la ONU, por ello se
debe lograr que la solución sea viable, rentable y cumpla con los parámetros ya mencionados
La solución a este problema previamente validado en términos de preferencias y
accesibilidad por la población que tiene esta dolencia es Gomi Hierro, una gomita con
sangrecita de auquénido hecha con certificación médica, Esta propuesta de negocios es viable
desde una perspectiva social, ya que tiene un impacto positivo en la consecución de los
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) 2, 8 y 12. En cuanto al ODS 2, se aborda la
problemática del hambre, la seguridad alimentaria, la nutrición y la agricultura sostenible. En
cuanto al ODS 8, se busca promover un crecimiento económico sostenible, inclusivo y con
empleo productivo y decente para todos. En cuanto al ODS 12, se promueven modalidades de
producción y consumo sostenibles. Además, desde una perspectiva económica, la propuesta
es sostenible, ya que se espera un valor actual neto (VAN) de S/ 4,523,714.58 Soles y una
tasa interna de retorno (TIR) del 479.01% en un período de cinco años.
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics, a third of the Peruvian population between 6 and 59 months of age has a prevalence of anemia, that is, they have a medical diagnosis derived from a poor diet or malnutrition. This ailment results in non-optimal development, decreasing school performance and productivity in adult life, affecting the quality of life, competitiveness and integrity of affected families belonging to socioeconomic levels B and C whose children have an age range between 6 and 59 months, who have high levels of malnutrition and are living in the most vulnerable areas of the country. This problem is a problem of social responsibility associated with each of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are the sustainable goals that the UN has proposed, for this reason it must be achieved that the solution is viable, profitable and complies with the parameters already mentioned The solution to this problem, previously validated in terms of preferences and accessibility by the population that has this ailment, is Gomi Hierro, a gummy with auquénido blood made with medical certification. This business solution is socially sustainable because it will have an impact on SDG 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improve levels of nutrition and the promotion of sustainable agriculture. SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. SDG 12: Guarantee sustainable consumption and production patterns. Finally, it is economically sustainable since it achieves a NPV of S/ 4,523,714.58 Soles and an IRR of 479.01% in five years.
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics, a third of the Peruvian population between 6 and 59 months of age has a prevalence of anemia, that is, they have a medical diagnosis derived from a poor diet or malnutrition. This ailment results in non-optimal development, decreasing school performance and productivity in adult life, affecting the quality of life, competitiveness and integrity of affected families belonging to socioeconomic levels B and C whose children have an age range between 6 and 59 months, who have high levels of malnutrition and are living in the most vulnerable areas of the country. This problem is a problem of social responsibility associated with each of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are the sustainable goals that the UN has proposed, for this reason it must be achieved that the solution is viable, profitable and complies with the parameters already mentioned The solution to this problem, previously validated in terms of preferences and accessibility by the population that has this ailment, is Gomi Hierro, a gummy with auquénido blood made with medical certification. This business solution is socially sustainable because it will have an impact on SDG 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improve levels of nutrition and the promotion of sustainable agriculture. SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. SDG 12: Guarantee sustainable consumption and production patterns. Finally, it is economically sustainable since it achieves a NPV of S/ 4,523,714.58 Soles and an IRR of 479.01% in five years.
Negocios--Planificación, Anemia--Perú, Hábitos alimenticios--Perú, Alimentos--Industria y comercio