Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución 3230-2019/SPC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe abarca el análisis jurídico de la idoneidad del servicio de Maxi Mobility
en función a las garantías generadas por la publicidad ofrecida por el proveedor; y, cuestionar
la existencia de cláusulas abusivas en los términos y condiciones (en adelante, T&C) del
proveedor en la Resolución 3230-2019/SPC-INDECOPI.
Para fundamentar ambos cuestionamientos, se ha buscado ahondar en el funcionamiento de
un modelo de negocio de economía colaborativa bajo el tipo de consumo colaborativo, con el
fin de, marcar los alcances del servicio de Maxi Mobility y conceptualizar distintos términos
técnicos vinculados a este tipo de negocio que contempla tecnologías de información para dar
una aproximación clara a los T&C del proveedor.
Asimismo, se utilizarán dichos conceptos para entender los T&C del proveedor y poder
determinar si existe la presencia de cláusulas abusivas o, por el contrario, son cláusulas
amparadas por los supuestos de exoneración de responsabilidad planteados por el Código de
Protección y Defensa del Consumidor.
Por consiguiente, al finalizar el desarrollo del este informe, se podrá evidenciar tanto el
impacto negativo que puede tener el mal entendimiento de los alcances de un modelo de
negocio de consumo colaborativo y el impacto negativo del mal manejo de conceptos
técnicos vinculados a las tecnologías de la información (en adelante, TI) en el entendimiento
de los T&C de este tipo de modelo de negocio.
This report covers the legal analysis of the suitability of Maxi Mobility service based on the guarantees generated by the advertising offered by the provider, and the existence of abusive clauses in the provider's terms and conditions in the Resolution 3230-2019/SPC INDECOPI. To substantiate both questions, it has been sought to delve into the operation of a collaborative economy business model under the type of collaborative consumption, in order to mark the service scope of Maxi Mobility. And, to conceptualize different technical terms linked to this type of business that contemplates information technologies to give a clear approximation to the supplier's T&C. Likewise, these concepts will be used to understand the T&C of the supplier and to be able to determine if there are abusive clauses or, on the contrary, they are clauses covered by the assumptions of exoneration of responsibility raised by the Code of Protection and Defense of the Consumer. Therefore, at the end of the development of this report, it will be possible to demonstrate both the negative impact that the misunderstanding of the scope of a collaborative consumption business model; and, the negative impact of the mishandling of technical concepts related to IT can have on the understanding of the T&C of this type of business model.
This report covers the legal analysis of the suitability of Maxi Mobility service based on the guarantees generated by the advertising offered by the provider, and the existence of abusive clauses in the provider's terms and conditions in the Resolution 3230-2019/SPC INDECOPI. To substantiate both questions, it has been sought to delve into the operation of a collaborative economy business model under the type of collaborative consumption, in order to mark the service scope of Maxi Mobility. And, to conceptualize different technical terms linked to this type of business that contemplates information technologies to give a clear approximation to the supplier's T&C. Likewise, these concepts will be used to understand the T&C of the supplier and to be able to determine if there are abusive clauses or, on the contrary, they are clauses covered by the assumptions of exoneration of responsibility raised by the Code of Protection and Defense of the Consumer. Therefore, at the end of the development of this report, it will be possible to demonstrate both the negative impact that the misunderstanding of the scope of a collaborative consumption business model; and, the negative impact of the mishandling of technical concepts related to IT can have on the understanding of the T&C of this type of business model.
Protección del consumidor--Legislación--Perú, Cooperación económica, Publicidad--Legislación, Tecnología de la información
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