Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución 0264-2019/SPC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe tiene como objetivo analizar los problemas jurídicos de la
Resolución N° 0264-2019/SPC-INDECOPI, la cual halló responsable a Lan Perú S.A.
por la infracción del deber de idoneidad, en tanto se habría acreditado que canceló sin
justificación objetiva el vuelo 2383 en la ruta Iquitos – Lima programado para el día 5
de noviembre de 2015. Para ello, el informe jurídico evalúa la competencia de Indecopi
para pronunciarse sobre infracciones que se encuentran reguladas en la Ley de
Aeronáutica Civil. En segundo lugar, se desarrolla el contenido del deber de idoneidad y
garantías, así como las causas objetivas que configuran la fractura del nexo causal y
liberan de responsabilidad administrativa al proveedor. De esta manera, haciendo uso de
la doctrina y jurisprudencia, se analiza si Lan Perú S.A. infringió el deber de idoneidad
o si se configuró una falla técnica ajena al mantenimiento programado de la aeronave,
circunstancia imprevista que está reconocida en la Decisión 619 de la Comunidad
Andina y eximiría de responsabilidad a la administrada. Finalmente, se evalúa la
pertinencia de que la Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil tome posición sobre
controversias de protección al consumidor relacionadas al servicio de transporte aéreo.
The objective of this paper is to analyze the legal problems of Resolution N° 0264-2019/SPC-INDECOPI, which blamed Lan Perú S.A. for the violation of the duty of suitability, as it would have been proven that flight 2383 on Iquitos – Lima route scheduled for 5th of November 2015 was canceled without justification. For that, the legal report evaluates Indecopi's competence to rule on infractions that are regulated in the Civil Aeronautics Law. Secondly, the content of the duty of suitability and the guarantees is discussed, as well as the objective causes that structures the rupture of the causal nexus and exempt the company from administrative responsibility. Thereby, using the doctrine and jurisprudence, it is analyzed if Lan Perú S.A. breached the duty of suitability or if it was a technical failure unrelated to the scheduled maintenance of the aircraft, which is an unforeseen circumstance that is recognized in Decision 619 of the Andean Community and would exempt the company from liability. Finally, is discussed the relevance of the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics taking a position on consumer protection controversies related to the air transport service.
The objective of this paper is to analyze the legal problems of Resolution N° 0264-2019/SPC-INDECOPI, which blamed Lan Perú S.A. for the violation of the duty of suitability, as it would have been proven that flight 2383 on Iquitos – Lima route scheduled for 5th of November 2015 was canceled without justification. For that, the legal report evaluates Indecopi's competence to rule on infractions that are regulated in the Civil Aeronautics Law. Secondly, the content of the duty of suitability and the guarantees is discussed, as well as the objective causes that structures the rupture of the causal nexus and exempt the company from administrative responsibility. Thereby, using the doctrine and jurisprudence, it is analyzed if Lan Perú S.A. breached the duty of suitability or if it was a technical failure unrelated to the scheduled maintenance of the aircraft, which is an unforeseen circumstance that is recognized in Decision 619 of the Andean Community and would exempt the company from liability. Finally, is discussed the relevance of the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics taking a position on consumer protection controversies related to the air transport service.
Protección del consumidor--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Responsabilidad administrativa--Perú