Business consulting para la empresa Procesadora Larán (Prolan)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Procesadora Larán (Prolan) es una empresa miembro del grupo La Calera ubicada en
Chincha, Perú, que se dedica principalmente a la producción y exportación de fruta fresca y
procesada. Se ha especializado en la producción, embalaje, envío, almacenamiento y
distribución de la fruta fresca y procesada alrededor de todo el mundo. El objetivo de este
business consulting es determinar cuáles son los problemas que la empresa posee
actualmente. Dentro de estos se lograron identificar: (a) déficit de personal calificado a nivel
de mano de obra y áreas de soporte en la región; (b) falta de planificación estratégica en la
empresa; (c) carencia del personal calificado para cumplir con el perfil del área de producción
y (d) dificultad para operar con tecnología industrial. Se determinó, además, que el
inconveniente más resaltante está relacionado con la falta de mano de obra en Chincha,
especialmente de personal calificado para cumplir con el perfil del área de producción. Se
logró identificar que entre las razones que ocasionan esta carencia de personal calificado está
el perfil de los postulantes quienes no cumplen los criterios para la contratación, aunado a la
falta de una política de incentivos para el personal como consecuencia de una planificación
estratégica organizacional. Considerando los resultados de los análisis realizados, se acordó
poner en marcha las cuatro alternativas de solución propuestas: (a) implementación de
incentivos orientados a captar y retener mano de obra directa; (b) suscripción de convenios
con instituciones educativas; (c) diseño de planes de implementación de mejora continua en
el proceso productivo y (d) mejora en el proceso de selección del personal operario técnico,
en un lapso de 20 semanas. Para esta implementación se calculó una inversión de
S/ 1’020,000, monto financiado en 50% por un préstamo bancario y recuperable en un año,
tres meses y 26 días; así como también se determinó una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) del
65% y un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) de S/1’402,083.87 y un indicador de beneficio / costo de
2.37. Con estos indicadores, se puede afirmar que este proyecto es viable y genera beneficios.
Procesadora Larán (Prolan) is a company member of La Calera group located in Chincha, Peru, which is mainly related to the production and export of fresh and processed fruit. It has specialized in the production, packaging, shipping, storage and distribution of fresh and processed fruit around the world. The objective of this business consulting is to determine the problems that the company currently has. Among these problems, it was possible to identify: (a) deficit of qualified personnel at the level of labor and support areas in the region; (b) lack of strategic planning in the company; (c) lack of qualified personnel to comply with the profile of the production area and (d) difficulty in operating with industrial technology. It was also determined that the most outstanding drawback is related to the lack of labor in Chincha, especially qualified personnel to meet the profile of the production area. It was possible to identify that among the reasons that cause this lack of qualified personnel is the profile of the applicants who do not meet the criteria for hiring, besides the lack of an incentive policy for personnel as a consequence of an organizational strategic planning. Considering the results of the analysis carried out, it was agreed to implement the four proposed solution alternatives: (a) implementation of incentives aimed at attracting and retaining direct labor; (b) signing of agreements with educational institutions; (c) design of implementation plans for continuous improvement in the production process, and (d) improvement in the selection process of operating technical personnel, in a period of 20 weeks. For this implementation, an investment of S/ 1’020,000 was calculated, an amount financed 50% by a bank loan and recoverable in one year, three months and 26 days; as well as an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 65% and a Net Present Value (NPV) of S/ 1’402,083.87 and a benefit / cost indicator of 2.37. With these numbers, it can be stated that this project is viable and generates benefits.
Procesadora Larán (Prolan) is a company member of La Calera group located in Chincha, Peru, which is mainly related to the production and export of fresh and processed fruit. It has specialized in the production, packaging, shipping, storage and distribution of fresh and processed fruit around the world. The objective of this business consulting is to determine the problems that the company currently has. Among these problems, it was possible to identify: (a) deficit of qualified personnel at the level of labor and support areas in the region; (b) lack of strategic planning in the company; (c) lack of qualified personnel to comply with the profile of the production area and (d) difficulty in operating with industrial technology. It was also determined that the most outstanding drawback is related to the lack of labor in Chincha, especially qualified personnel to meet the profile of the production area. It was possible to identify that among the reasons that cause this lack of qualified personnel is the profile of the applicants who do not meet the criteria for hiring, besides the lack of an incentive policy for personnel as a consequence of an organizational strategic planning. Considering the results of the analysis carried out, it was agreed to implement the four proposed solution alternatives: (a) implementation of incentives aimed at attracting and retaining direct labor; (b) signing of agreements with educational institutions; (c) design of implementation plans for continuous improvement in the production process, and (d) improvement in the selection process of operating technical personnel, in a period of 20 weeks. For this implementation, an investment of S/ 1’020,000 was calculated, an amount financed 50% by a bank loan and recoverable in one year, three months and 26 days; as well as an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 65% and a Net Present Value (NPV) of S/ 1’402,083.87 and a benefit / cost indicator of 2.37. With these numbers, it can be stated that this project is viable and generates benefits.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Frutas--Industria y comercio--Perú, Control de procesos--Mejoramiento