Informe jurídico sobre la Casación Laboral N°01921-2022-Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo se tiene como finalidad analizar la Casación N°1921-2022-
Lima en donde se solicita el reparto de utilidades a un grupo de empresas. Se
cuestiona si la Corte Suprema actuó correctamente al declarar fundada la
casación revocar la decisión otorgada por la segunda instancia, la cual declara
fundado el reparto de utilidades por las tres (03) empresas que forman parte del
grupo, a pesar de no abordar de forma sistemática las demás fuentes del
Asimismo, se evalúa si los trabajadores pudieron ser parte en la participación del
reparto de utilidades del Grupo Pluspetrol, teniendo en cuenta lo desarrollado
por la doctrina sobre el fraude en la constitución del grupo de empresas y en la
jurisprudencia del Poder judicial, ya que se mencionan indicios para detectar el
fraude a la ley.
Por tanto, en aplicación de las fuentes mencionadas, el grupo de empresas se
constituyó de forma fraudulenta y la Corte Suprema debió ordenar el pago de
utilidades generadas por las empresas demandadas, ya que actuaban como un
solo empleador
The purpose of this work is to analyze Cassation No. 1921-2022-Lima, in which the distribution of profits to a group of companies is requested. It questions whether the Supreme Court acted correctly in declaring the cassation wellfounded and revoking the decision granted by the second instance, which declared the distribution of profits by the three (03) companies that are part of the group well-founded, despite not systematically addressing other sources of law. Furthermore, it evaluates whether the workers could have participated in the profit-sharing of the Pluspetrol Group, considering the developments in the doctrine on fraud in the constitution of the group of companies and in the jurisprudence of the Judiciary, as there are indications to detect fraud against the law. Therefore, based on the aforementioned sources, the group of companies was fraudulently constituted, and the Supreme Court should have ordered the payment of the profits generated by the defendant companies, as they acted as a single employer.
The purpose of this work is to analyze Cassation No. 1921-2022-Lima, in which the distribution of profits to a group of companies is requested. It questions whether the Supreme Court acted correctly in declaring the cassation wellfounded and revoking the decision granted by the second instance, which declared the distribution of profits by the three (03) companies that are part of the group well-founded, despite not systematically addressing other sources of law. Furthermore, it evaluates whether the workers could have participated in the profit-sharing of the Pluspetrol Group, considering the developments in the doctrine on fraud in the constitution of the group of companies and in the jurisprudence of the Judiciary, as there are indications to detect fraud against the law. Therefore, based on the aforementioned sources, the group of companies was fraudulently constituted, and the Supreme Court should have ordered the payment of the profits generated by the defendant companies, as they acted as a single employer.
Participación en las ganancias--Perú, Derecho laboral--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Fraude--Perú, Sociedades comerciales--Perú, Libre empresa--Perú
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