Clima de aula, orientación a la meta, rendimiento académico y agrado por el curso de matemática en adolescentes
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio analizó las relaciones entre Clima de Aula (CA), Orientación a la Meta (OM) y Rendimiento Académico en una muestra de 141 alumnos de sexto de primaria y primero de secundaria de un colegio privado mixto de Lima Metropolitana. Además, se examinó el efecto del Clima de Aula y la Orientación a la Meta en el Rendimiento Académico; se comparó los resultados obtenidos en ambos grados y se establecieron relaciones entre el Agrado por el curso de matemática y el Clima de Aula, la Orientación a la Meta y el Rendimiento Académico. En particular, se hallaron relaciones significativas entre los sub-factores del Clima de Aula con los sub-factores Orientación a la Tarea (OM) (r6to =.57; p<.01) y Evitación de la Orientación (OM) (r6to=-.56; p<.01) de la Orientación a la Meta y entre el Rendimiento Académico con el sub-factor Ritmo de Clase (CA) (r6to=.46; p<.01) del Clima de Aula. Asimismo, se halló que los sub-factores Ritmo de Clase (CA) (β=.36; p<.05), Orientación a la Tarea (OM) (β=.31; p<.01); Autofrustración del Ego (OM) (β=-.16; p<.05) y Evitación de la Orientación (OM) (β=-.19; p<.05) influyen en el Rendimiento Académico. Por otro lado, se encontró que los estudiantes de sexto grado tienen una mejor percepción del clima de aula y que el Agrado reportado por los estudiantes se relacionó con mayor intensidad con el Rendimiento Académico (r6to =.52; p<.01) y el sub-factor Orientación a la Tarea (OM) (r1ero= .68; p<.01). Implicaciones de los hallazgos, recomendaciones y limitaciones son discutidas.
The present study analyzed the relations between Classroom Climate (CC), Goal Orientation (GO) and Academic Achievement in a sample of 141 students from sixth grade and seventh grade of a private co-educational school in Lima Metropolitana. In addition, the effect of Classroom Climate and Goal Orientation on Academic Achievement was assessed; the results obtained in both grades were compared and the relations between Enjoyment of the math class and the Classroom Climate, Goal Orientation and Academic Achievement were established. Particularly, significant relations were found between the sub-factors of Classroom Climate (CC) and the Task Orientation (GO) (r6th =.57; p<.01) and Work Avoidance Goals (GO) (r6th=-.56; p<.01) sub-factors of Goal Orientation. Relations were also found between Academic Achievement and Rhythm of the Class (CC) (r6th=.46; p<.01), sub-factor of Classroom Climate. In addition, the sub-factors Rhythm of the Class (CA) (β = .36; p<.05), Task Orientation (GO) (β= .31; p< .01); Self-Enhancing Ego (GO) (β =-16, p<.05) and Work Avoidance (GO) (β =-.19; p<.05) influence Academic Achievement. On the other hand, it was found that sixth graders have a better classroom climate perception; also, the student´s reported Enjoyment was more strongly related with Academic Achievement (r6th =.52; p<.01) and the sub-factor Task Orientation (GO) (r7th=.68; p<.01). Implications of the study, recommendations and limitations are discussed.
The present study analyzed the relations between Classroom Climate (CC), Goal Orientation (GO) and Academic Achievement in a sample of 141 students from sixth grade and seventh grade of a private co-educational school in Lima Metropolitana. In addition, the effect of Classroom Climate and Goal Orientation on Academic Achievement was assessed; the results obtained in both grades were compared and the relations between Enjoyment of the math class and the Classroom Climate, Goal Orientation and Academic Achievement were established. Particularly, significant relations were found between the sub-factors of Classroom Climate (CC) and the Task Orientation (GO) (r6th =.57; p<.01) and Work Avoidance Goals (GO) (r6th=-.56; p<.01) sub-factors of Goal Orientation. Relations were also found between Academic Achievement and Rhythm of the Class (CC) (r6th=.46; p<.01), sub-factor of Classroom Climate. In addition, the sub-factors Rhythm of the Class (CA) (β = .36; p<.05), Task Orientation (GO) (β= .31; p< .01); Self-Enhancing Ego (GO) (β =-16, p<.05) and Work Avoidance (GO) (β =-.19; p<.05) influence Academic Achievement. On the other hand, it was found that sixth graders have a better classroom climate perception; also, the student´s reported Enjoyment was more strongly related with Academic Achievement (r6th =.52; p<.01) and the sub-factor Task Orientation (GO) (r7th=.68; p<.01). Implications of the study, recommendations and limitations are discussed.
Motivación (Educación)., Rendimiento académico., Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza (Secundaria)., Ambiente educativo.
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