Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución SBS N° 1980-2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico tiene por finalidad analizar la Resolución SBS 1980-
2022. Esta resuelve el Procedimiento Administrativo Sancionador originado a
raíz de que la EDPYME Santander Consumer S.A. realizara depósitos en el
Banco Santander, los cuales habrían excedido límites operativos aplicables.
El caso resulta de importancia pues en el año 2024, por medio del Decreto
Legislativo N° 1646, se realizaron modificaciones de límites a depósitos
constituidos por una empresa del sistema financiero en otra, las cuales entran en
vigencia en junio de 2025. Es en ese sentido que el análisis realizado aborda una
explicación del límite aplicable, su relación con el riesgo de concentración, una
breve mención de la aplicación práctica de las modificaciones previamente
Adicionalmente, se evalúa la defensa presentada por la EDPYME en el marco
de un Procedimiento Administrativo Sancionador que se encuentre dentro de la
competencia de la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP’s, considerando
la aplicación de atenuantes y eximentes de responsabilidad; así como también,
tomando en cuenta el empleo y regulación de la responsabilidad subjetiva y la
Finalmente, se utiliza la resolución para visibilizar la presencia del riesgo legal en
este tipo de casos, por medio de la revisión de los establecido por Basilea, la
regulación peruana y la doctrina nacional y extranjera.
The purpose of this legal report is to analyze SBS Resolution 1980-2022. This resolution resolves the Administrative Sanctioning Procedure that originated due to EDPYME Santander Consumer S.A.'s deposits in Banco Santander, which would have exceeded applicable operating limits. The case is relevant because in 2024, through Legislative Decree N° 1646, the limits on deposits made by one company in the financial system in another were modified, which came into force in June 2025. In this sense, the realized analysis explains the applicable limit and its relationship with the concentration risk and briefly mentions the practical application of the previously indicated modifications. Additionally, the defense presented by the EDPYME within the framework of an Administrative Sanctioning Procedure that is within the jurisdiction of the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance, and AFPs is evaluated in consideration of the application of mitigating and exempting circumstances from responsibility; as well as taking into account the use and regulation of subjective and objective responsibility. Finally, the resolution is used to make visible the presence of legal risk in this type of case, through reviewing the provisions of Basel, Peruvian regulations, and national and foreign doctrine.
The purpose of this legal report is to analyze SBS Resolution 1980-2022. This resolution resolves the Administrative Sanctioning Procedure that originated due to EDPYME Santander Consumer S.A.'s deposits in Banco Santander, which would have exceeded applicable operating limits. The case is relevant because in 2024, through Legislative Decree N° 1646, the limits on deposits made by one company in the financial system in another were modified, which came into force in June 2025. In this sense, the realized analysis explains the applicable limit and its relationship with the concentration risk and briefly mentions the practical application of the previously indicated modifications. Additionally, the defense presented by the EDPYME within the framework of an Administrative Sanctioning Procedure that is within the jurisdiction of the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance, and AFPs is evaluated in consideration of the application of mitigating and exempting circumstances from responsibility; as well as taking into account the use and regulation of subjective and objective responsibility. Finally, the resolution is used to make visible the presence of legal risk in this type of case, through reviewing the provisions of Basel, Peruvian regulations, and national and foreign doctrine.
Procedimiento administrativo--Perú, Sanciones administrativas, Derecho administrativo--Legislación--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Jurisprudencia--Perú
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