Informe jurídico sobre la Sentencia Casatoria N.° 13630- 2015
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe analiza la necesidad de las entidades religiosas por
estructurar un programa de buen gobierno que les permita mejorar la dinámica
de sus actividades de evangelización. Para ello, se analizó la personalidad
jurídica y los términos en que la legislación peruana les otorga reconocimiento y
brinda beneficios tributarios y migratorios que pueden gozar tras su inscripción
en el Registro de Entidades Religiosas, aunque dicho registro no sea obligatorio.
De igual forma, se aborda la responsabilidad de las entidades frente a actos
ilícitos cometidos por sus miembros. En el ámbito de la responsabilidad civil
extracontractual, las entidades pueden ser responsables si los daños son
cometidos en cumplimiento de funciones o aprovechándose de la organización.
Sin embargo, en el ámbito penal y administrativo, las sanciones a personas
jurídicas están limitadas. El Código Penal permite castigar a entidades religiosas
solo si se prueba su complicidad o facilitación en la comisión de delitos, pero el
catálogo de responsabilidad administrativa en el proceso penal restringe la
aplicación a casos como corrupción o delitos económicos, dejando fuera delitos
contra la libertad sexual o la salud. La legislación actual está diseñada
principalmente para empresas, no para entidades sin fines de lucro como las
religiosas, cuyo propósito no es financiero sino espiritual. Se recomienda
implementar un buen gobierno religioso para mitigar riesgos, aprovechando los
dogmas y carismas de cada organización para garantizar un control efectivo y
fomentar actividades beneficiosas para la sociedad.
This report analyzes the need for religious entities to structure a program of good governance that allows them to improve the dynamics of their evangelization activities. To this end, the legal personality and the terms in which Peruvian legislation grants them recognition and provides tax and migratory benefits that they can enjoy after their registration in the Registry of Religious Entities was analyzed, although such registration is not mandatory. Similarly, the responsibility of entities for unlawful acts committed by their members is addressed. In the field of non-contractual civil liability, entities may be liable if the damage is committed in the performance of functions or taking advantage of the organization. However, in the criminal and administrative sphere, sanctions against legal persons are limited. The Penal Code allows religious entities to be punished only if their complicity or facilitation in the commission of crimes is proven, but the catalog of administrative responsibility in criminal proceedings restricts the application to cases such as corruption or economic crimes, leaving out crimes against sexual freedom or health. The current legislation is designed primarily for businesses, not for non-profit entities such as religious ones, whose purpose is not financial but spiritual. It is recommended to implement good religious governance to mitigate risks, taking advantage of the dogmas and charisms of each organization to ensure effective control and promote activities beneficial to society.
This report analyzes the need for religious entities to structure a program of good governance that allows them to improve the dynamics of their evangelization activities. To this end, the legal personality and the terms in which Peruvian legislation grants them recognition and provides tax and migratory benefits that they can enjoy after their registration in the Registry of Religious Entities was analyzed, although such registration is not mandatory. Similarly, the responsibility of entities for unlawful acts committed by their members is addressed. In the field of non-contractual civil liability, entities may be liable if the damage is committed in the performance of functions or taking advantage of the organization. However, in the criminal and administrative sphere, sanctions against legal persons are limited. The Penal Code allows religious entities to be punished only if their complicity or facilitation in the commission of crimes is proven, but the catalog of administrative responsibility in criminal proceedings restricts the application to cases such as corruption or economic crimes, leaving out crimes against sexual freedom or health. The current legislation is designed primarily for businesses, not for non-profit entities such as religious ones, whose purpose is not financial but spiritual. It is recommended to implement good religious governance to mitigate risks, taking advantage of the dogmas and charisms of each organization to ensure effective control and promote activities beneficial to society.
Recurso de casación--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Procedimiento penal--Perú, Detención--Perú