Modelo prolab: Puquio más, plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales (PTAR) para edificaciones multifamiliares
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la presente tesis se efectuó la evaluación de un problema social relevante, a partir
del problema identificado se procedió a desarrollar una solución. Es así que mediante la
aplicación de diferentes metodologías y herramientas como lean startup se procedió a
desarrollar un modelo de negocio sostenible el cual aborda dicho problema social relevante
identificado. El modelo de negocio a desarrollar posee por nombre Puquio Más dicho nombre
posee un vocablo en quechua que significa: “ manantial de agua que brota de la tierra”, que es
lo que se busca transmitir, ya que el proyecto consiste en la ejecución de plantas de
tratamiento de aguas residuales (PTAR), la cual recibirá las aguas residuales de diferentes
fuentes como duchas, lavaderos de manos, lavaderos de ropa, lavadoras y la transformara en
agua reutilizable para poder regar las áreas verdes de las edificaciones, adicionalmente a esto
la infraestructura de la PTAR no se basará en solo tanques de forma estructural, por el
contrario se concibe como una estructura que va formar parte del paisajismo o área verde de
la edificación, de tal forma que sea amigable con el entorno visual y acompañe el diseño
El modelo de negocio planteado fue sometido a pruebas de deseabilidad, mediante la
cual se plantearon dos hipótesis y las mismas fueron validadas a través de cuestionarios
efectuados a diferentes usuarios. En referencia a la hipótesis N.° 1 el resultado obtenido fue
que el 75% de los encuestados que son personas que trabajan en empresas inmobiliarias de
Lima metropolitana y provincia estarían dispuestas a invertir en una PTAR. Con respecto a la
segunda hipótesis el 100% de las personas encuestadas consideran razonable el precio
Adicionalmente, Puquio más es un proyecto que cubre la ODS N°6 con un índice de
relevancia social (IRS) del 33.33%. Por otro lado dicho proyecto genera un VAN promedio
de S/ 4,231,893 con una inversión inicial de S/500,000 y un VAN social US$ 7,180,469.
In the present thesis the evaluation of a relevant social problem was carried out, From this starting point we proceed to develop a solution. Applying different methodologies and tools like Lean startup we develop a sustainable business model, which is ment to solve the social relevant problem identified. The name assigned to the business model in development is Puquio mas. This name carries within it a word in Quechua that means: “ water spring that flows from the earth”, and that is the scene that we want to transfer to the public. Because the project is about the execution of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Which receive wastewater from different sources such as showers, hand washing, laundry facilities, washing machines, transforming this into a reusable water in order to irrigate the green areas of the building in addition to this, the structure of the WWTP will not be based on septic tanks and cisterns, on the contrary, it is conceived as a structure that will be on the surface and will form part of the green area of the building., in such a way that it is visually friendly to the environment and attaches to the architectural design. The proposed business model was subjected to desirability tests, and in this desirability test we state two hypotheses, and those were validated through a questionnaire made to different users. In reference to the first hypotheses the result obtained was: 75% of the respondents who are people working in real estate enterprises from Lima and other province would want to invest in the purchase of a WWTP. Regarding the second hypotheses, the price established is reasonable according to the 100% of the people surveyed. Additionally, Puquio mas is a project covering the object number 6 from the Sustainable Development Goals from the ONU, witn a social relevance index (SRI) of 33.33%. On the other hand the project has a NPV of S/ 4,763,827 with a starting investment of S/500,000 and a social NPV of S/ 11,238,176.
In the present thesis the evaluation of a relevant social problem was carried out, From this starting point we proceed to develop a solution. Applying different methodologies and tools like Lean startup we develop a sustainable business model, which is ment to solve the social relevant problem identified. The name assigned to the business model in development is Puquio mas. This name carries within it a word in Quechua that means: “ water spring that flows from the earth”, and that is the scene that we want to transfer to the public. Because the project is about the execution of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Which receive wastewater from different sources such as showers, hand washing, laundry facilities, washing machines, transforming this into a reusable water in order to irrigate the green areas of the building in addition to this, the structure of the WWTP will not be based on septic tanks and cisterns, on the contrary, it is conceived as a structure that will be on the surface and will form part of the green area of the building., in such a way that it is visually friendly to the environment and attaches to the architectural design. The proposed business model was subjected to desirability tests, and in this desirability test we state two hypotheses, and those were validated through a questionnaire made to different users. In reference to the first hypotheses the result obtained was: 75% of the respondents who are people working in real estate enterprises from Lima and other province would want to invest in the purchase of a WWTP. Regarding the second hypotheses, the price established is reasonable according to the 100% of the people surveyed. Additionally, Puquio mas is a project covering the object number 6 from the Sustainable Development Goals from the ONU, witn a social relevance index (SRI) of 33.33%. On the other hand the project has a NPV of S/ 4,763,827 with a starting investment of S/500,000 and a social NPV of S/ 11,238,176.
Plantas para tratamiento de agua--Perú--Lima, Aguas residuales--Tratamiento-- Perú--Lima
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