Informe Jurídico de la Casación Nº1609-2019/MOQUEGUA
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe de relevancia jurídica tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis
crítico de la Casación Nº 1609-2019/Moquegua, mediante la cual se anula la
sentencia absolutoria del imputado Christian Mario Rospigliosi Mendoza. Al
respecto, se han identificado dos problemas jurídicos: el primer problema
referido al tratamiento del delito de peculado doloso por apropiación como un
delito de infracción de deber y no como un delito de dominio de hecho,
enfocándonos en aclarar el contenido del elemento típico “por razón de su cargo”
desde la distinción entre los deberes generales y los deberes específicos.
El segundo problema referido a la aplicación del principio de confianza en una
entidad pública como organización estructurada jerárquicamente, abordado
desde la figura del funcionario público superior con vínculo funcional, quien
ostenta una posición de garante reforzada, al asumir el deber de controlar y
vigilar el bien público y a sus subordinados, a partir de un deber específico
establecido por el ordenamiento jurídico.
En este sentido, con el desarrollo del trabajo, desde la doctrina y la
jurisprudencia, se concluye que los magistrados de primera y segunda instancia
aplicaron erróneamente la teoría del dominio del hecho, lo cual conlleva a la
absolución del imputado. Asimismo, se evidencia que la Corte Suprema incurre
en un defecto de motivación insuficiente en su pronunciamiento sobre la
aplicación del principio de confianza.
The main objective of this report of legal relevance is to carry out a critical analysis of Cassation No. 1609-2019/Moquegua, which annulled the acquittal of the accused Christian Mario Rospigliosi Mendoza. In this regard, two legal problems have been identified. The first problem referred to the treatment of the crime of intentional embezzlement by appropriation as a crime of infraction of duty and not as a crime of de facto domain, focusing on clarifying the content of the typical element "by reason of the position", from the distinction between general duties and specific duties. The second problem relates to the application of the principle of trust in a public entity as a hierarchically structured organization, approached from the figure of the senior public official with functional link, who holds a position of reinforced guarantor, assuming the duty to control and monitor the public good and his subordinates, from a specific duty established by the legal system. In this regard, with the development of the work, from doctrine and jurisprudence, it is concluded that the judges of first and second instance misapplied the theory of the domain of fact, which led to the acquittal of the accused. In addition, it is evident that the Supreme Court incurs a defect of insufficient motivation in its pronouncement on the application of the principle of trust.
The main objective of this report of legal relevance is to carry out a critical analysis of Cassation No. 1609-2019/Moquegua, which annulled the acquittal of the accused Christian Mario Rospigliosi Mendoza. In this regard, two legal problems have been identified. The first problem referred to the treatment of the crime of intentional embezzlement by appropriation as a crime of infraction of duty and not as a crime of de facto domain, focusing on clarifying the content of the typical element "by reason of the position", from the distinction between general duties and specific duties. The second problem relates to the application of the principle of trust in a public entity as a hierarchically structured organization, approached from the figure of the senior public official with functional link, who holds a position of reinforced guarantor, assuming the duty to control and monitor the public good and his subordinates, from a specific duty established by the legal system. In this regard, with the development of the work, from doctrine and jurisprudence, it is concluded that the judges of first and second instance misapplied the theory of the domain of fact, which led to the acquittal of the accused. In addition, it is evident that the Supreme Court incurs a defect of insufficient motivation in its pronouncement on the application of the principle of trust.
Peculado--Legislación--Perú, Malversación--Legislación--Perú, Recurso de casación--Legislación--Perú
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