Análisis de los factores de éxito de la empresa “El Abuelo Valdizano S.R.L.” generado por la alianza entre saberes productivos del Programa Pensión 65, y la Municipalidad del Distrito Hermilio Valdizán, Provincia de Leoncio Prado, Región Huánuco, años 2019-2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo analizar los factores de éxito de la
empresa “El Abuelo Valdizano S.R.L.” generado por la alianza entre saberes
productivos del programa Pensión 65, y la Municipalidad del distrito de Hermilio
Valdizán, en uno de los distritos de la provincia de Leoncio Prado que se caracteriza
por tener amplias parcelas con cultivos del mejor café de la región.
La investigación se centra en el análisis de los factores por el cual la empresa se ha
consolidado en su proceso de crecimiento, llegando a la diversificación del producto.
La investigación es de tipo descriptiva, no experimental, con una metodología
cualitativa por el uso de la entrevista semi estructurada, el focus group y el análisis
La investigación identifica los principales elementos que han influido para obtener el
éxito de la empresa: la articulación interinstitucional, siendo la principal la producida
entre la municipalidad y el programa Pensión 65 a través de la intervención de
Saberes Productivos, que fue determinante para el inicio de la actividad productiva.
La empresa también ha generado beneficios adicionales como mejorar el estado
socioemocional de los adultos mayores, al ser reconocidos en su valía personal por
su experiencia de vida y los saberes inmateriales que poseen, lo que redunda en una
mejor actitud ante la vida. Asimismo, genera un relacionamiento que establece redes
de apoyo hacia ellos dentro de la comunidad. Esta participación como sujetos de
plenos derechos los hace experimentar y desplegar todas sus capacidades hasta el
fin de sus días, en beneficio de su familia y comunidad.
Finalmente, a partir de los hallazgos en el marco de la protección al adulto mayor,
así como el compromiso vinculante de instituciones como la Municipalidad Distrital,
Pensión 65 con Saberes Productivos, y la innovación para gestionar a través de una
empresa tomando la experiencia de los adultos mayores del distrito de Hermilio
Valdizán, se formula una propuesta que puede ser trasladada a otros espacios,
aprovechando los saberes productivos de los adultos mayores de esos lugares.
The objective of this research is to analyze the success factors of the enterprise “El Abuelo Valdizano S.R.L.” generated by the alliance between productive knowledge of the Pensión 65 program, and the Municipality of the district of Hermilio Valdizán, one of the districts of the province of Leoncio Prado that is characterized by having large plots with crops of the best coffee in the region. The research focuses on the analysis of the factors by which the enterprise has been consolidated in its growth process, leading to product diversification. The research is descriptive, non-experimental, with a qualitative methodology through the use of semi-structured interviews, focus groups and documentary analysis. The research identifies the main elements that have influenced the success of the microenterprise: the inter-institutional articulation, the main one being that produced between the municipality and the Pensión 65 program through the Saberes Productivos intervention, which was decisive for the beginning of the productive activity. Enterprise has also generated additional benefits such as improving the socio-emotional state of older adults, as they are recognized for their personal worth due to their life experience and the intangible knowledge they possess, which results in a better attitude towards life. Likewise, it generates a relationship that establishes support networks for them within the community. This participation as subjects with full rights makes them experiment and display all their capabilities until the end of their days, for the benefit of their family and community. Finally, based on the findings in the framework of the protection of the elderly, as well as the binding commitment of institutions such as the District Municipality, Pensión 65 con Saberes Productivos, and the innovation to manage through a company taking the experience of the older adults from the Hermilio Valdizán district; A proposal is formulated that can be transferred to other spaces, taking advantage of the productive knowledge of the elderly in those places.
The objective of this research is to analyze the success factors of the enterprise “El Abuelo Valdizano S.R.L.” generated by the alliance between productive knowledge of the Pensión 65 program, and the Municipality of the district of Hermilio Valdizán, one of the districts of the province of Leoncio Prado that is characterized by having large plots with crops of the best coffee in the region. The research focuses on the analysis of the factors by which the enterprise has been consolidated in its growth process, leading to product diversification. The research is descriptive, non-experimental, with a qualitative methodology through the use of semi-structured interviews, focus groups and documentary analysis. The research identifies the main elements that have influenced the success of the microenterprise: the inter-institutional articulation, the main one being that produced between the municipality and the Pensión 65 program through the Saberes Productivos intervention, which was decisive for the beginning of the productive activity. Enterprise has also generated additional benefits such as improving the socio-emotional state of older adults, as they are recognized for their personal worth due to their life experience and the intangible knowledge they possess, which results in a better attitude towards life. Likewise, it generates a relationship that establishes support networks for them within the community. This participation as subjects with full rights makes them experiment and display all their capabilities until the end of their days, for the benefit of their family and community. Finally, based on the findings in the framework of the protection of the elderly, as well as the binding commitment of institutions such as the District Municipality, Pensión 65 con Saberes Productivos, and the innovation to manage through a company taking the experience of the older adults from the Hermilio Valdizán district; A proposal is formulated that can be transferred to other spaces, taking advantage of the productive knowledge of the elderly in those places.
Café--Producción--Perú--Huánuco, Programas sociales--Perú--Estudio de casos, Gobiernos locales--Programas sociales--Perú--Huánuco
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