Anulación Parcial de Laudo Arbitral: Análisis de la Resolución Nº 7, Expediente Nº 0212-2016-0-1817-SP-CO-01
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente informe jurídico se estudiará una anulación parcial de Laudo
Arbitral, en el cual el Árbitro Único a cargo del caso desestimó una pretensión
reconvencional, en base a una afirmación que puede ser considerada como
errada, esto debido a la falta de hechos probados.
La situación mencionada se encuentra recogida en la Resolución Nº 7 del
Expediente Nº 0212-2016-0-1817-SP-CO-01, en este caso la Autoridad
Nacional del Servicio Civil – SERVIR (en adelante, “SERVIR” o “Entidad”)
presentó su solicitud de anulación invocando la causal contenida en el inciso b)
del numeral 1 del artículo 63° del Decreto Legislativo Nº 1071 (en adelante, “DL
Nº 1071”), ley que norma el arbitraje, esto en contra de lo resuelto en el
proceso seguido con M4G Consulting SAC (en adelante, “M4G”).
De esa manera, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es plantear un análisis
respecto a si la invocación de esta afirmación errada puede devenir en la
anulación del laudo arbitral. Asimismo, se tendrá en consideración aspectos
relacionados al tema como la vulneración a la debida motivación y sus diversos
tipos en las decisiones tomadas por los operadores de justicia, y la afectación a
los principios de imparcialidad e independencia.
Para alcanzar el objetivo de este trabajo se ha recurrido a la revisión de la
normativa correspondiente, jurisprudencia y textos académicos que puedan
brindar mayores alcances sobre las diversas temáticas planteadas.
Siendo ello así, se ha podido concluir que el empleo de una afirmación errada
para desestimar una pretensión o sustentar una decisión genera graves
afectaciones en el desarrollo del arbitraje, puesto que vulnera el deber
motivación e interfiere en el cumplimiento de los principios de imparcialidad e
In this legal report we will study the partial annulment of an Arbitration Award in which the sole arbitrator dismissed a counterclaim, based on a presumed erroneous statement, this due to the lack of proven facts. The mentioned situation is addressed in Resolution N° 7 of the File Nº 0212- 2016-0-1817-SP-CO-01, in which the Autoridad Nacional del Servicio Civil – SERVIR (hereinafter, SERVIR or Entity) presented its annulment request invoking the ground contained in subparagraph b) of numeral 1 of Article 63 of the Legislative Decree N° 1071 (hereinafter, “DL 1071”), the law that governs arbitration, against the final decision on the process against M4G Consulting SAC (hereinafter, “M4G”). The main objective of this report is to set an analysis to determine if the invocation of this erroneous statement could conclude in the annulment of the arbitral award. Therefore, it will be considered aspects related to the main topic such as the violation of proper motivation and its diverse types that affects the decisions made by the judicial operators, and how it impacts the principles of impartiality and independence. The review of corresponding regulations, case law and academic texts were done to achieve the report’s objective. This could provide a wider insight into the diverse topics raised. This being the case, it can be concluded that the usage of an erroneous statement to dismiss a claim or to support a decision generate serious effects in the development of the arbitration, as it violates the proper motivation and interferes with the fulfilment of the impartiality and independence principles.
In this legal report we will study the partial annulment of an Arbitration Award in which the sole arbitrator dismissed a counterclaim, based on a presumed erroneous statement, this due to the lack of proven facts. The mentioned situation is addressed in Resolution N° 7 of the File Nº 0212- 2016-0-1817-SP-CO-01, in which the Autoridad Nacional del Servicio Civil – SERVIR (hereinafter, SERVIR or Entity) presented its annulment request invoking the ground contained in subparagraph b) of numeral 1 of Article 63 of the Legislative Decree N° 1071 (hereinafter, “DL 1071”), the law that governs arbitration, against the final decision on the process against M4G Consulting SAC (hereinafter, “M4G”). The main objective of this report is to set an analysis to determine if the invocation of this erroneous statement could conclude in the annulment of the arbitral award. Therefore, it will be considered aspects related to the main topic such as the violation of proper motivation and its diverse types that affects the decisions made by the judicial operators, and how it impacts the principles of impartiality and independence. The review of corresponding regulations, case law and academic texts were done to achieve the report’s objective. This could provide a wider insight into the diverse topics raised. This being the case, it can be concluded that the usage of an erroneous statement to dismiss a claim or to support a decision generate serious effects in the development of the arbitration, as it violates the proper motivation and interferes with the fulfilment of the impartiality and independence principles.
Arbitraje y laudo--Legislación--Perú, Arbitraje--Legislación--Perú, Perú--Legislación
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