Consulting report – Bigmond Group
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Grupo Bigmond es una empresa peruana dedicada a la consultoría de recursos
humanos, especialmente a la selección de talentos. La empresa ofrece servicios de alta calidad,
centrándose en la igualdad, la diversidad y la responsabilidad social corporativa. En los
últimos años, el Grupo Bigmond ha experimentado un rápido crecimiento y ha diversificado
sus servicios. El principal problema identificado es la ineficiencia y la falta de digitalización
de los procesos operativos. La literatura revisada mostró una tendencia a realizar la
transformación digital y destacó que la gestión del cambio interno está vinculada a la
transformación cultural. Además, la pandemia del COVID-19 impactó la industria y el
mercado laboral del Perú y afecta la demanda de servicios de reclutamiento y el desempeño
financiero de la compañía.
Un análisis de la causa principal se basó en la información cuantitativa y cualitativa
obtenida a través de una encuesta de madurez digital y entrevistas con los jefes de
departamento, que identificó la necesidad de una herramienta digital universal. Una evaluación
de alternativas puso de manifiesto la idoneidad de la herramienta Microsoft Teams como
solución al problema en combinación con las clases en línea impartidas por el director general,
que se considera el agente del cambio. El coste total anual de la solución propuesta es de
US$2,904 para el número actual de empleados y autónomos. Sin embargo, la inversión total
anual es de US$1,945.80, ya que el pago de las otras herramientas digitales se puede paralizar.
Para la implementación se ha propuesto un plan detallado que incluye una lista de actividades,
un responsable y un periodo de tiempo. Están previstas seis semanas para la preparación e
integración de Microsoft Teams, y seis meses para la adaptación cultural. Los indicadores
clave de rendimiento son el rendimiento operativo, la colaboración interdepartamental y la
madurez digital, que se estima que aumentarán un 30%, un 70% y un 50% respectivamente en
el plazo de un año.
Bigmond Group is a Peruvian company dedicated to human resources consultancy, particularly headhunting. The company provides high quality services while focusing on equality, diversity, and corporate social responsibility. In the last years, Bigmond Group experienced rapid growth and diversified its services. The main problem identified in the consultancy is the inefficiency and the lack of digitalization of operational processes. The literature review showed a trend towards performing digital transformation and highlighted that internal change management is linked to cultural transformation. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the industry and labor market of Peru and thereby affects the demand for recruitment services and the financial performance of Bigmond Group. A root-cause analysis was based on quantitative and qualitative information obtained through a digital maturity survey and interviews with department heads, which revealed the need for a universal digital tool. An assessment of alternatives underscored the suitability of the tool Microsoft Teams as solution to the problem in combination with online classes taken by the CEO who is seen as the agent of change. The total annual cost for the proposed solution is US$2,904 for the current number of employees and freelancers. However, the annual total investment is US$1,945.80 since the payment for the other digital tools can be stalled. A detailed implementation plan was put forward which includes a list of activities, responsible persons, and a time frame. Six weeks are scheduled for Microsoft Team preparation and integration, while six months are planned for cultural adaptation. Key performance indicators that help the company to assess the success of the digital transformation are operational performance interdepartmental collaboration and digital maturity, which are estimated to increase by 30%, 70% and 50% respectively within one year.
Bigmond Group is a Peruvian company dedicated to human resources consultancy, particularly headhunting. The company provides high quality services while focusing on equality, diversity, and corporate social responsibility. In the last years, Bigmond Group experienced rapid growth and diversified its services. The main problem identified in the consultancy is the inefficiency and the lack of digitalization of operational processes. The literature review showed a trend towards performing digital transformation and highlighted that internal change management is linked to cultural transformation. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the industry and labor market of Peru and thereby affects the demand for recruitment services and the financial performance of Bigmond Group. A root-cause analysis was based on quantitative and qualitative information obtained through a digital maturity survey and interviews with department heads, which revealed the need for a universal digital tool. An assessment of alternatives underscored the suitability of the tool Microsoft Teams as solution to the problem in combination with online classes taken by the CEO who is seen as the agent of change. The total annual cost for the proposed solution is US$2,904 for the current number of employees and freelancers. However, the annual total investment is US$1,945.80 since the payment for the other digital tools can be stalled. A detailed implementation plan was put forward which includes a list of activities, responsible persons, and a time frame. Six weeks are scheduled for Microsoft Team preparation and integration, while six months are planned for cultural adaptation. Key performance indicators that help the company to assess the success of the digital transformation are operational performance interdepartmental collaboration and digital maturity, which are estimated to increase by 30%, 70% and 50% respectively within one year.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Recursos humanos, Responsabilidad social, Control de procesos--Mejoramiento