Planeamiento estratégico para la empresa Trabajos Marítimos S.A. - TRAMARSA
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El Grupo TRAMARSA es un conglomerado de compañías del negocio portuario
perteneciente al Grupo Romero. A través de sus áreas de negocios: Terminales Portuarios,
Flota y Logística está presente en Perú y Bolivia, y brinda empleo a más de 2,400
trabajadores. Trabajos Marítimos S.A. (TRAMARSA), fue creada el 9 de noviembre de 1990
en el puerto del Callao y desde entonces ha crecido de forma sostenida gracias a su capacidad
de responder oportunamente a las necesidades del mercado. Hoy, goza de un posicionamiento
estratégico en los principales puertos de la costa peruana: Paita, Bayóvar, Eten, Salaverry,
Chimbote, Huarmey, Supe, Callao, Pisco, Matarani, Ilo y Pucallpa.
TRAMARSA otorga oportunidad de empleo para más de 1,300 colaboradores
distribuidos a lo largo de sus 12 sedes a nivel nacional. Su gestión se caracteriza por una
constante búsqueda de la mejora continua. Pone principal atención en el cuidado del medio
ambiente y el brindar servicios de calidad que superen las expectativas de sus clientes, así
como la contribución eficaz para el desarrollo del sector en nuestro país.
El presente trabajo realiza un análisis en el interior de la empresa, a través de una serie
de entrevistas a sus gerentes, con el fin de poder proponer un Planeamiento Estratégico
alineado con los valores, la misión y visión de la empresa. Por tanto, a través del presente
análisis se desea contribuir con la consecución a corto y largo plazo de los intereses y
objetivos de TRAMARSA.
TRAMARSA Group is a conglomerate of port business companies belonging to the Romero economic group. Through its business areas: Port Terminals, Fleet and Logistics it has presence in Peru and Bolivia and employs more than 2,400 workers. Trabajos Marítimos S.A, (TRAMARSA), was created on November 9, 1990 at Callao Port, and since then it has grown steadily thanks to its capacity to respond opportunely to market needs. Today, it possesses a strategic positioning in the main ports of the Peruvian coast: Paita, Bayovar, Eten, Salaverry, Chimbote, Huarmey, Supe, Callao, Pisco, Matarani, Ilo and Pucallpa. TRAMARSA provides employment opportunities for more than 1,300 employees located throughout its 13 branches nationwide. Its management characterizes by a constant search for continuous improvement and focuses on the environment care and on guarantying quality services for its clients, as well as the effective contribution for the development of the country. This paper performs an analysis within the company, through a series of interviews with its managers, in order to propose a Strategic Planning aligned with its values, mission and vision. Therefore, through this analysis we want to contribute with the short and longterm achievement of TRAMARSA's interests and objectives.
TRAMARSA Group is a conglomerate of port business companies belonging to the Romero economic group. Through its business areas: Port Terminals, Fleet and Logistics it has presence in Peru and Bolivia and employs more than 2,400 workers. Trabajos Marítimos S.A, (TRAMARSA), was created on November 9, 1990 at Callao Port, and since then it has grown steadily thanks to its capacity to respond opportunely to market needs. Today, it possesses a strategic positioning in the main ports of the Peruvian coast: Paita, Bayovar, Eten, Salaverry, Chimbote, Huarmey, Supe, Callao, Pisco, Matarani, Ilo and Pucallpa. TRAMARSA provides employment opportunities for more than 1,300 employees located throughout its 13 branches nationwide. Its management characterizes by a constant search for continuous improvement and focuses on the environment care and on guarantying quality services for its clients, as well as the effective contribution for the development of the country. This paper performs an analysis within the company, through a series of interviews with its managers, in order to propose a Strategic Planning aligned with its values, mission and vision. Therefore, through this analysis we want to contribute with the short and longterm achievement of TRAMARSA's interests and objectives.
Puertos--Planificación estratégica, Puertos--Administración