Informe jurídico sobre la Sentencia de Casación No. 34303- 2019-Lima: REPEXSA vs. Osinergmin, controversia en torno al Aporte por Regulación al Osinergmin
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la argumentación plasmada en
las sentencias emitidas por las diversas instancias administrativas y judiciales,
con especial énfasis en la emtiida por la Corte Suprema, a la luz de los principios
constitucionales y que nos encontramos adscritos a un marco de un Estado
Constitucional de Derecho. La controversia del caso se centra en el análisis del
Aporte por Regulación al Osinergmin, cobrado a las empresas importadoras y/o
productoras de gas natural. Para ello se abordará un desarrollo histórico de las
normas, una interpretación teleológica de las mismas, como también se
propondra una resolución alternativa que hubiera sido deseable por parte de la
Corte Suprema.
The present work aims to analyze the argumentation presented in the judgments issued by various administrative and judicial bodies, with particular emphasis on that issued by the Supreme Court, considering constitutional principles within the framework of a Constitutional State of Law. The case controversy revolves around the analysis of the Regulatory Contribution to Osinergmin, levied on importers and/or producers of natural gas. To this end, a historical development of the norms will be addressed, along with a teleological interpretation thereof, as well as a proposal for an alternative resolution that would have been desirable on the part of the Supreme Court.
The present work aims to analyze the argumentation presented in the judgments issued by various administrative and judicial bodies, with particular emphasis on that issued by the Supreme Court, considering constitutional principles within the framework of a Constitutional State of Law. The case controversy revolves around the analysis of the Regulatory Contribution to Osinergmin, levied on importers and/or producers of natural gas. To this end, a historical development of the norms will be addressed, along with a teleological interpretation thereof, as well as a proposal for an alternative resolution that would have been desirable on the part of the Supreme Court.
Tributación--Perú, Derecho tributario--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho constitucional--Perú, Obligaciones (Derecho)--Perú, Derechos fundamentales--Perú
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