La influencia de la responsabilidad social empresarial en el comportamiento de compra de hamburguesas de los consumidores limeños de 31 a 40 años
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el Perú las empresas están tomando conciencia de la importancia del
concepto de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, y lo que ello significa en su
reputación, imagen y sus resultados financieros, sin embargo, son escasos los estudios
empíricos que permitan conocer su impacto en el comportamiento del consumidor.
Esta investigación busca determinar la influencia que la Responsabilidad
Social Empresarial tiene en el comportamiento de compra de hamburguesas en los
consumidores peruanos de 31 a 40 años de ambos sexos, a nivel Lima Metropolitana.
Se utilizó como herramienta el modelo de elección discreta con el objetivo de poder
cuantificar la intención de compra y la disposición a pagar por las acciones de
responsabilidad social desarrolladas por las empresas.
El experimento se llevó a cabo utilizando una muestra por conveniencia de
132 consumidores limeños. La investigación brinda evidencia empírica de la relación
positiva existente entre la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y el comportamiento de
compra de la muestra. Los resultados del estudio indican que el efecto de la
Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en su conjunto es superior que las Competencias
Esta tesis es una ampliación de la investigación doctoral del profesor Percy
Samoel Marquina Feldman (Marquina, 2009). La tesis busca validar si la relación
identificada originalmente también se presenta en la categoría de hamburguesas. Con
la autorización del profesor Marquina se ha utilizado partes de su tesis,
particularmente en lo que se refiere a la revisión de la literatura y el método
Peruvian enterprises are paying increasing attention to Corporate Social Responsability, and what does it mean for their reputation, image and financial results. However, there are not empirical studies that allow to knowing its consumer impact. This investigation examines the influence that Corporate Social Responsibility has on hamburger buying behavior of Peruvian consumers from 31 to 40 years old. It used as a tool the methodology of Discrete Choice Models in order to evaluate the purchasing intention and the willingness to pay of the consumers, for the Corporate Social Responsibility actions developed by enterprises. The experiment was carried out using a convenience sample of 132 consumers of Metropolitan Lima. The investigation provides an empirical evidence of an existing positive relationship between the Enterprise Social Responsibility and the sample buying behavior. The study results indicate that the effect of Enterprise Social Responsibility as a whole is greater than Corporate Competences. This thesis is an extension of the Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman doctoral research. The thesis looks to validate if the original identified relationship also appears in the hamburger category. With the authorization of professor Marquina, the authors have used parts of his thesis, especially regarding to the literature revision and method
Peruvian enterprises are paying increasing attention to Corporate Social Responsability, and what does it mean for their reputation, image and financial results. However, there are not empirical studies that allow to knowing its consumer impact. This investigation examines the influence that Corporate Social Responsibility has on hamburger buying behavior of Peruvian consumers from 31 to 40 years old. It used as a tool the methodology of Discrete Choice Models in order to evaluate the purchasing intention and the willingness to pay of the consumers, for the Corporate Social Responsibility actions developed by enterprises. The experiment was carried out using a convenience sample of 132 consumers of Metropolitan Lima. The investigation provides an empirical evidence of an existing positive relationship between the Enterprise Social Responsibility and the sample buying behavior. The study results indicate that the effect of Enterprise Social Responsibility as a whole is greater than Corporate Competences. This thesis is an extension of the Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman doctoral research. The thesis looks to validate if the original identified relationship also appears in the hamburger category. With the authorization of professor Marquina, the authors have used parts of his thesis, especially regarding to the literature revision and method
Responsabilidad social de las empresas, Comportamiento del consumidor, Investigación cuantitativa