Luces y sombras del X Pleno Casatorio Civil: actuación probatoria y prueba extemporánea
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo versa sobre el análisis de la actuación probatoria y la prueba
extemporánea dentro del contexto de las reglas vinculantes promulgadas por el
X Pleno Casatorio Civil, centrando el análisis en la aplicación de la sexta regla,
la misma que vulnera varios principios procesales como el principio de
oportunidad, de preclusión, pone en riesgo la seguridad jurídica y el juez
reemplaza a una de partes en el proceso quebrantando el principio de
imparcialidad que es importante dentro del desarrollo de un caso. Asimismo,
señalaremos algunos ejemplos en los cuales la Corte Suprema aún considera
que la aplicación de la prueba de oficio resulta siendo una obligación mas no una
facultad discrecional, para cerrar con algunas consideraciones importantes antes
de la aplicación de los supuestos que engloba la sexta regla del X Pleno
Casatorio Civil.
This paper deals with the analysis of the evidentiary performance and the extemporaneous evidence within the context of the binding rules promulgated by the X Plenary Civil Cassation., focusing the analysis on the application of the sixth rule, which violates several procedural principles such as the principle of opportunity, preclusion, jeopardizes legal certainty and the judge replaces one of the parties in the process breaking the principle of impartiality that is important in the development of a case. Likewise, we will point out some examples in which the Supreme Court still considers that the application of ex officio evidence is an obligation but not a discretionary power, in order to close with some important considerations before the application of the assumptions included in the sixth rule of the X Plenary Civil Cassation.
This paper deals with the analysis of the evidentiary performance and the extemporaneous evidence within the context of the binding rules promulgated by the X Plenary Civil Cassation., focusing the analysis on the application of the sixth rule, which violates several procedural principles such as the principle of opportunity, preclusion, jeopardizes legal certainty and the judge replaces one of the parties in the process breaking the principle of impartiality that is important in the development of a case. Likewise, we will point out some examples in which the Supreme Court still considers that the application of ex officio evidence is an obligation but not a discretionary power, in order to close with some important considerations before the application of the assumptions included in the sixth rule of the X Plenary Civil Cassation.
Recurso de casación--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Prueba (Derecho)--Perú, Derecho procesal--Legislación--Perú
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