Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución 059-2020/SDC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La industria musical en el Perú ha evolucionado constantemente, es así que se evidencia un
aumento en el consumo de la misma. Ante este escenario, aparecen en el mercado diversos
agentes que proponen entregar música sin incurrir en costos de transacción con el autor o
titular, es decir, son proveedores de música que entregan autorizaciones o licencias de uso de
la obra. Asimismo, encontramos a las sociedades de gestión colectiva que, igualmente,
entregan autorizaciones a terceros para el uso de las obras que administra. Aparentemente
podríamos inferir que los proveedores de música y las sociedades de gestión colectiva
compiten entre ellos. Sin embargo, de un análisis de ambos podría identificar que cuentan con
características que les impide competir sobre ciertos aspectos de la gestión de obras.
En el presente informe académico se desarrollará una crítica respecto al pronunciamiento
señalado por INDECOPI en la Resolución Nº 059-2020/SDC-INDECOPI. La referida
resolución trae a colación la figura del sabotaje empresarial en la modalidad de inducción al
cumplimiento contractual, la cual es una figura no muy estudiada por los órganos resolutivos
del INDECOPI. El presente trabajo se divide en 3 objetivos: en primer lugar, analizar si los
comunicaciones de la Asociación Peruana de Autores y Compositores - Apdayc envidas a
Tinto Café S.A.C configuraban realmente un supuesto de sabotaje – siendo que este fue el
único extremo que se declaró fundada; en segundo lugar, si la Comisión de Fiscalización de
la Competencia Desleal y la Sala Especializada en Defensa de la Competencia tenía
competencia para aplicar el artículo 147° de Ley sobre el Derecho de Autor; y en tercer lugar,
si Apdayc mediante las actividades de recaudación cumple una actividad con finalidad
The music industry in Peru has constantly evolved, so there is evidence of an increase in its consumption. Given this scenario, various agents appear on the market that offer to deliver music without incurring transaction costs with the author or owner, that is, they are music providers that deliver authorizations or licenses for the use of the work. Likewise, we find the collective management societies that, likewise, deliver authorizations to third parties for the use of the works they manage. Additionally, we could infer that music providers and collecting societies compete with each other. However, an analysis of both could identify that they have characteristics that prevent them from competing on certain aspects of works management. In this academic report, criticism will be developed regarding the pronouncement indicated by INDECOPI in Resolution No. 059-2020/SDC-INDECOPI. The referred resolution brings up the figure of business sabotage in the modality of inducement to contractual compliance, which is a figure not very studied by the decision-making bodies of INDECOPI. The present work is divided into 3 objectives: first, to analyze whether the acts of collection and/or remuneration of the Asociación Peruana de Autores y Compositores - Apdayc really constituted supposed sabotage; second, if Sala Especializada de la Competencia Desleal had the competence to apply article 147 of the Copyright Law; and thirdly, if Apdayc, through collection activities, fulfills an activity with a competitive purpose.
The music industry in Peru has constantly evolved, so there is evidence of an increase in its consumption. Given this scenario, various agents appear on the market that offer to deliver music without incurring transaction costs with the author or owner, that is, they are music providers that deliver authorizations or licenses for the use of the work. Likewise, we find the collective management societies that, likewise, deliver authorizations to third parties for the use of the works they manage. Additionally, we could infer that music providers and collecting societies compete with each other. However, an analysis of both could identify that they have characteristics that prevent them from competing on certain aspects of works management. In this academic report, criticism will be developed regarding the pronouncement indicated by INDECOPI in Resolution No. 059-2020/SDC-INDECOPI. The referred resolution brings up the figure of business sabotage in the modality of inducement to contractual compliance, which is a figure not very studied by the decision-making bodies of INDECOPI. The present work is divided into 3 objectives: first, to analyze whether the acts of collection and/or remuneration of the Asociación Peruana de Autores y Compositores - Apdayc really constituted supposed sabotage; second, if Sala Especializada de la Competencia Desleal had the competence to apply article 147 of the Copyright Law; and thirdly, if Apdayc, through collection activities, fulfills an activity with a competitive purpose.
Derecho de autor--Legislación--Perú, Competencia económica desleal--Legislación--Perú, Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (Perú), Industria musical--Aspectos legales--Perú
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