Modelo prolab: Raphipack, proyecto ecosostenible de accesorios personales a base de papel reciclado lavable
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El problema de la creciente demanda del cuero vacuno para artículos de uso personal
se torna crítico en cuanto no se haga nada en eliminar la contaminación ambiental, generada
durante el proceso de curtido del cuero. Múltiples estudios señalan que la industria del cuero
contamina el medio ambiente debido al inadecuado tratamiento de los residuos y efluentes
líquidos que terminan contaminando las aguas donde se disponen, afectando la calidad de agua
y el saneamiento de ésta para el consumo humano. En ese sentido, existe mucha preocupación
por parte de los gobiernos y la sociedad misma en que esto mejore. Esta tesis tiene como
objetivo demostrar que se puede hacer un negocio con una producción y consumo responsable
de los recursos naturales sin afectar el medio ambiente, además con un fin social y sostenible
en el tiempo.
La propuesta de valor es ofrecer artículos de uso personal sin la necesidad de usar
materiales provenientes de una curtiembre, sino materiales biodegradables, ecoamigables con
el medio ambiente, siendo el papel lavable una opción que se adecúa a ello. Asimismo, se busca
reemplazar los artículos de curtiembre por productos que tendrán un impacto directo en los
objetivos de desarrollo sostenible como la ODS 12, contribuyendo así a reducir la
contaminación del agua generado por el mal tratamiento de los efluentes; por último, se
fomentará un uso responsable de la materia prima con prácticas sostenibles.
Finalmente, esta propuesta se sustenta económica y socialmente, la cual alcanza un
VAN de S/ 4 921 430 y una TIR de 211 %, lo que indica que es viable financieramente, así
como socialmente también lo es, se alcanza un VAN social de S/ 4 662 035.97 en un periodo
de 5 años.
The problem of the growing demand for cowhide for personal use becomes critical if nothing is done to eliminate environmental pollution, which is generated in the leather tanning process. Multiple studies indicate that the leather industry pollutes the environment, the inadequate treatment of waste and liquid effluents end up polluting the water where they are disposed of, affecting the quality of water and its sanitation for human consumption. In this sense, there is much concern on the part of governments and society itself to improve this situation. The objective of this thesis is to demonstrate that it is possible to start a business with a responsible production and consumption of natural resources without affecting the environment, as well as with a social and sustainable purpose in time. The value proposition is to offer articles for personal use without the need to use materials from a tannery, but biodegradable materials, eco-friendly with the environment, an eco-friendly option is the washable paper. The replacement of tannery products with products that will have a direct impact on sustainable development goals such as SDG 12, contributing to reduce water pollution due to poor treatment of effluents, as well as the responsible use of raw materials with sustainable practices. Finally, this proposal is supported economically and socially, which reaches an NPV of S/ 4 921 430 and an IRR of 211 %, which indicates that it is financially viable, as well as socially viable, reaching a social NPV of S/ 4 662 035.97 in a period of 5 years.
The problem of the growing demand for cowhide for personal use becomes critical if nothing is done to eliminate environmental pollution, which is generated in the leather tanning process. Multiple studies indicate that the leather industry pollutes the environment, the inadequate treatment of waste and liquid effluents end up polluting the water where they are disposed of, affecting the quality of water and its sanitation for human consumption. In this sense, there is much concern on the part of governments and society itself to improve this situation. The objective of this thesis is to demonstrate that it is possible to start a business with a responsible production and consumption of natural resources without affecting the environment, as well as with a social and sustainable purpose in time. The value proposition is to offer articles for personal use without the need to use materials from a tannery, but biodegradable materials, eco-friendly with the environment, an eco-friendly option is the washable paper. The replacement of tannery products with products that will have a direct impact on sustainable development goals such as SDG 12, contributing to reduce water pollution due to poor treatment of effluents, as well as the responsible use of raw materials with sustainable practices. Finally, this proposal is supported economically and socially, which reaches an NPV of S/ 4 921 430 and an IRR of 211 %, which indicates that it is financially viable, as well as socially viable, reaching a social NPV of S/ 4 662 035.97 in a period of 5 years.
Desarrollo sostenible--Empresas--Perú, Reciclaje (Residuos, etc.)
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