La mujer peruana: evolución y perspectivas para su desarrollo futuro (1990-2020) región de Huancavelica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación es un estudio cualitativo descriptivo que explora la situación
de la mujer de la región Huancavelica en los últimos 20 años, así como las expectativas y
obstáculos que presentan para los próximos diez años. Las mujeres que han participado en la
investigación son mayores de 18 años, de diversa situación laboral y nivel educativo.
El estudio se realizó a través de la estrategia cualitativa de casos múltiples bajo un diseño
holístico, de manera que se pudo explorar aspectos complejos y personales. Se investigó
siguiendo la lógica de réplica. La muestra de 30 mujeres fue construida utilizando la técnica
de bola de nieve y máxima variación considerando aspectos como edad, estado civil, nivel
educativo, actividad laboral y actividad económica.
Con el análisis obtenido, se encontró que la población femenina de la región
Huancavelica en cuanto a demografía, educación y salud reproductiva muestra avances de
desarrollo; sin embargo, sigue existiendo una brecha importante para el desarrollo de los
otros indicadores (e. g., la participación política de la mujer en la región).
Respecto a las expectativas de desarrollo de las mujeres de la región, se focalizan en
la mejora del desarrollo educativo, mejora en la atención de salud y mejora en su
remuneración. A pesar de los trabajos realizados por diferentes organizaciones, en su mayoría
no gubernamentales, para mejorar las condiciones de la mujer, sobre todo en relación con la
violencia familiar, aún existen muchas diferencias asociadas al género. Los obstáculos de
desarrollo encontrados principalmente fueron dos: no se encuentran conformes con la
educación recibida y presentan diversas dificultades para el desarrollo laboral y económico.
Se observa una falta de políticas claras hacia el desarrollo femenino por parte de los
gobiernos locales y nacionales.
This research is a descriptive qualitative study explores the status of women Huancavelica region in the last 20 years as well as the expectations and obstacles presented for the next ten years. Women who participated in the research are over 18 years of diverse employment status and educational level. The study was conducted through qualitative multiple case strategy under a holistic design, so you could explore complex personal issues. Was investigated following the logic of replication, the sample was 30 women. With the analysis obtained, it was found that the female population of the Huancavelica region in terms of demographics, education, reproductive health and development shows progress, but there remains a significant gap in the development of the other indicators (e. g., participation women's policy in the region). With regard to the expected development of women in the region are focused on: improvement of educational development, improved health care, and improved remuneration. Despite the work of various organizations, mostly NGOs, to improve the conditions of women, especially as far as violence is concerned, there are still many gender-related differences. Development obstacles were mainly found are not satisfied with the education received and present various obstacles to employment and economic development. There is a lack of clear policies towards female development by local and national governments.
This research is a descriptive qualitative study explores the status of women Huancavelica region in the last 20 years as well as the expectations and obstacles presented for the next ten years. Women who participated in the research are over 18 years of diverse employment status and educational level. The study was conducted through qualitative multiple case strategy under a holistic design, so you could explore complex personal issues. Was investigated following the logic of replication, the sample was 30 women. With the analysis obtained, it was found that the female population of the Huancavelica region in terms of demographics, education, reproductive health and development shows progress, but there remains a significant gap in the development of the other indicators (e. g., participation women's policy in the region). With regard to the expected development of women in the region are focused on: improvement of educational development, improved health care, and improved remuneration. Despite the work of various organizations, mostly NGOs, to improve the conditions of women, especially as far as violence is concerned, there are still many gender-related differences. Development obstacles were mainly found are not satisfied with the education received and present various obstacles to employment and economic development. There is a lack of clear policies towards female development by local and national governments.
Mujeres--Perú--Huancavelica, Mujeres--Trabajo--Perú--Huancavelica, Mujeres en los negocios--Perú--Huancavelica, Mujeres en el desarrollo--Perú--Huancavelica, Mujeres--Perú--Huancavelica--Condiciones sociales
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