Nivel de conocimiento sobre los predictores de lectura en docentes de educación inicial de instituciones educativas particulares en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación se desarrolló con el propósito de describir el nivel de
conocimiento con el que cuentan los docentes de Educación Inicial de Lima
Metropolitana sobre los predictores de lectura, por lo que se consideró el empleo
de una metodología de enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, corte
transversal y alcance descriptivo. Asimismo, se contó con la participación de 80
docentes, a quienes se le evaluó mediante una encuesta como técnica y un
cuestionario como instrumento, esté último constó de 20 ítems distribuidos entre
las cinco dimensiones consideradas para la variable de estudio. Los resultados
obtenidos demostraron que el nivel de conocimiento es “medio” para lectura y
predictores de lectura con un 30%, para conciencia fonológica con un 31.25%,
para conocimiento alfabético con un 33.75%, para memoria fonológica con un
considerable 50%, y para velocidad de denominación con un 41.25%; y “muy
bajo” para la distribución de la muestra considerada respecto de su edad, años de
experiencia docente, grado de inicial que enseña, y máximo grado profesional
alcanzado. Por último, y a partir de estos resultados, se ha llegado a la conclusión
de que el nivel de conocimiento, en general, sobre los predictores de lectura es
“muy bajo” en las docentes evaluadas.
The purpose of this research was to describe the level of knowledge of early childhood education teachers in Lima Metropolitana about the predictors of reading, which is why we used a quantitative approach methodology, non experimental design, cross-sectional and descriptive scope. The study involved the participation of 80 teachers, who were evaluated by means of a survey as a technique and a questionnaire as an instrument, the latter consisting of 20 items distributed among the five dimensions considered for the variable under study. The results obtained showed that the level of knowledge is "medium" for reading and reading predictors with 30%, for phonological awareness with 31.25%, for alphabetic knowledge with 33.75%, for phonological memory with a considerable 50%, and for naming speed with 41.25%; and "very low" for the distribution of the sample considered with respect to their age, years of teaching experience, initial grade taught, and highest professional grade reached. Finally, and based on these results, it is concluded that the level of knowledge, in general, of the predictors of reading is "very low" among the teachers evaluated.
The purpose of this research was to describe the level of knowledge of early childhood education teachers in Lima Metropolitana about the predictors of reading, which is why we used a quantitative approach methodology, non experimental design, cross-sectional and descriptive scope. The study involved the participation of 80 teachers, who were evaluated by means of a survey as a technique and a questionnaire as an instrument, the latter consisting of 20 items distributed among the five dimensions considered for the variable under study. The results obtained showed that the level of knowledge is "medium" for reading and reading predictors with 30%, for phonological awareness with 31.25%, for alphabetic knowledge with 33.75%, for phonological memory with a considerable 50%, and for naming speed with 41.25%; and "very low" for the distribution of the sample considered with respect to their age, years of teaching experience, initial grade taught, and highest professional grade reached. Finally, and based on these results, it is concluded that the level of knowledge, in general, of the predictors of reading is "very low" among the teachers evaluated.
Lectura--Estudio y enseñanza--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Personal docente--Capacitación, Educación preescolar--Investigaciones--Perú--Lima Metropolitana
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