Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución No 0177-2018/SDC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente Informe Jurídico analiza la Resolución No 0177-2018/SDC-INDECOPI, emitida
por la Sala Especializada en Defensa de la Competencia, respecto a los presuntos actos de
competencia desleal cometidos por la denunciada, F&NMV Inversiones S.A.C., en perjuicio
de la denunciante, Nelly Denisse Nossar Adaui, dueña del restaurante La Panka. Para ello, se
plantea como primer problema jurídico determinar si los anuncios publicitarios materia de
controversia configuran actos de engaño, siendo que del análisis desarrollado a partir de lo
establecido en el Decreto Legislativo No 1044 – Ley de Represión de la Competencia Desleal,
y a diferencia de lo resuelto por la Sala, la autora concluye que los dos primeros anuncios
configuran publicidad alusiva de tipo comparativa que no cumplen con los requisitos de la
exceptio veritatis, por lo que configuran actos de comparación indebida; mientras que
respecto al tercer anuncio, se verifica que el mismo configura una publicidad simple con
alegaciones de carácter subjetivo, por lo que no corresponde la aplicación de Principio de
Veracidad, y la misma es lícita. Por otro lado, como segundo problema jurídico, se plantea
determinar si la denunciada habría cometido actos de confusión por emplear elementos
presuntamente característicos y similares utilizados por la denunciante en su establecimiento
(que compondrían su trade dress), siendo que, finalmente, y en línea con lo resuelto por la
Sala, la autora concluye que no existe riesgo de confusión alguno.
The present report carries out a legal analysis of the Resolution No 0177-2018/SDC-INDECOPI, issued by the Competition Defense Chamber, regarding the alleged acts of unfair competition committed by the defendant, F&NMV Inversiones S.A.C., to the detriment of the plaintiff, Nelly Denisse Nossar Adaui, owner of the restaurant La Panka. For this purpose, the first legal problem is to determine whether the advertisements in dispute constitute acts of deception, being that from the analysis developed from the provisions of Legislative Decree No 1044 - Law for the Repression of Unfair Competition, and contrary to what was decided by the Chamber, the author concludes that the first two advertisements constitute allusive advertising of a comparative type that do not comply with the requirements of the exceptio veritatis, and therefore constitute acts of unfair competition. On the other hand, with respect to the third advertisement, it is verified that it is a simple advertising with subjective allegations, so the application of the Principle of Truthfulness does not apply, and it is lawful. On the other hand, as a second legal problem, the question arises to determine whether the defendant has committed acts of confusion by using elements allegedly characteristic and similar used by the plaintiff in its establishment (which would compose its trade dress), being that, finally, and in line with the Chamber's decision, the author concludes that there is no risk of confusion whatsoever.
The present report carries out a legal analysis of the Resolution No 0177-2018/SDC-INDECOPI, issued by the Competition Defense Chamber, regarding the alleged acts of unfair competition committed by the defendant, F&NMV Inversiones S.A.C., to the detriment of the plaintiff, Nelly Denisse Nossar Adaui, owner of the restaurant La Panka. For this purpose, the first legal problem is to determine whether the advertisements in dispute constitute acts of deception, being that from the analysis developed from the provisions of Legislative Decree No 1044 - Law for the Repression of Unfair Competition, and contrary to what was decided by the Chamber, the author concludes that the first two advertisements constitute allusive advertising of a comparative type that do not comply with the requirements of the exceptio veritatis, and therefore constitute acts of unfair competition. On the other hand, with respect to the third advertisement, it is verified that it is a simple advertising with subjective allegations, so the application of the Principle of Truthfulness does not apply, and it is lawful. On the other hand, as a second legal problem, the question arises to determine whether the defendant has committed acts of confusion by using elements allegedly characteristic and similar used by the plaintiff in its establishment (which would compose its trade dress), being that, finally, and in line with the Chamber's decision, the author concludes that there is no risk of confusion whatsoever.
Competencia económica desleal--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Publicidad engañosa--Perú, Publicidad--Aspectos legales--Perú
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