Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución No 0019-2019-MINAGRI-DVDIAR emitida en el marco del procedimiento de Certificación Ambiental seguido por TAMSHI SAC
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente Informe pretende resolver si la actividad realizada por la empresa
TAMSHI SAC (antes, Cacao del Perú Norte) cumple con los requisitos para
obtener certificación ambiental correctiva, considerando que los predios de su
propiedad fueron clasificados como tierras de aptitud agrícola y se ubican en la
región Selva de nuestro país. Para ello, se analiza la evolución de las normas
de promoción del sector agrario en dichas zonas, así como de la Ley Forestal y
de Fauna Silvestre vigentes entre los años 1997 y 2013.
En función a los mencionados instrumentos normativos, se concluye que solo
8.30 hectáreas del Fundo califican para optar por certificación ambiental
correctiva. Así, la empresa debió solicitar su instrumento de gestión ambiental
preventivo para intervenir el área restante, ya que la intervención física de
dicha porción del suelo fue posterior a la entrada en vigencia del Reglamento
de Gestión Ambiental del Sector Agrario.
Por último, se reconoce la condición de bien público de los recursos forestales,
como parte de los recursos naturales, englobando, también, la cobertura
forestal del Fundo Tamshiyacu. Por ello, se encuentran sujetos a regulación
estatal para el acceso de los particulares y es necesario tramitar los permisos
y/o autorizaciones que correspondan para su disposición, sin importar si se
encuentran incorporados a bienes de dominio privado.
This Report aims to resolve whether the activity carried out by the company TAMSHI SAC (formerly Cacao del Perú Norte) complies with the requirements to obtain corrective environmental certification, considering that the properties of his property were classified as lands of agricultural aptitude and are located in the Selva region of our country. For this, the evolution of the regulations for 1 the promotion of the agricultural sector in these areas is analyzed, as well as the Forestry and Wildlife Law in force between 1997 and 2013. Based on the aforementioned regulatory instruments, it is concluded that only 8.30 hectares of the Fund qualify to opt for corrective environmental certification. Thus, the company had to request its preventive environmental management instrument to intervene in the remaining area, since the physical intervention of said portion of the land was after the entry into force of the Environmental Management Regulations for the Agrarian Sector. Lastly, the condition of forest resources is recognized as a public good, as part of the natural resources, also encompassing the forest cover of Fundo Tamshiyacu. For this reason, they are subject to state regulation for private access and it is necessary to process the corresponding permits and/or authorizations for their disposal, regardless of whether they are incorporated into private property.
This Report aims to resolve whether the activity carried out by the company TAMSHI SAC (formerly Cacao del Perú Norte) complies with the requirements to obtain corrective environmental certification, considering that the properties of his property were classified as lands of agricultural aptitude and are located in the Selva region of our country. For this, the evolution of the regulations for 1 the promotion of the agricultural sector in these areas is analyzed, as well as the Forestry and Wildlife Law in force between 1997 and 2013. Based on the aforementioned regulatory instruments, it is concluded that only 8.30 hectares of the Fund qualify to opt for corrective environmental certification. Thus, the company had to request its preventive environmental management instrument to intervene in the remaining area, since the physical intervention of said portion of the land was after the entry into force of the Environmental Management Regulations for the Agrarian Sector. Lastly, the condition of forest resources is recognized as a public good, as part of the natural resources, also encompassing the forest cover of Fundo Tamshiyacu. For this reason, they are subject to state regulation for private access and it is necessary to process the corresponding permits and/or authorizations for their disposal, regardless of whether they are incorporated into private property.
Impacto ambiental--Instrumentos, Recursos forestales--Legislación--Perú, Suelos--Perú
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