La inserción laboral de jóvenes institucionalizadas del centro de atención Residencial Ermelinda Carrera en el marco del proyecto “Pan de Vida” ejecutado por Ai.Bi. Associazione Amici dei Bambini y financiado por el Fondo Ítalo-Peruano durante los años 2014-2016
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La intervención de desarrollo denominada “Pan de Vida” -objeto de estudio de la
investigación que a continuación presentan los autores- se ha llevado a cabo en
el distrito de San Miguel, Lima, en el centro de atención residencial Ermelinda
Carrera, institución de acogida temporal para menores de edad, de sexo femenino,
en condición de abandono, desprotección moral y material, así como en situación
de alto riesgo y vulnerabilidad social.
A la edad de 18 años, todo joven residente en un centro de acogida debe afrontar
el egreso del mismo y comenzar una vida independiente, insertarse a la vida
social, laboral y eventualmente a la vida familiar, de contar con parientes o
familiares dispuestos a recibirlo nuevamente. La inserción social se traduce en un
regreso a la vida en sociedad, con ejercicio de deberes y derechos ciudadanos,
en un marco de pleno respeto de sus instituciones y de la dignidad de las
personas. La inserción laboral a su vez significa la colocación en el mercado de
trabajo mediante el emparejamiento de las demandas de una oportunidad laboral
con la formación y experiencia del solicitante de trabajo. Sin embargo, este último
proceso se dificulta cuando el solicitante no cuenta con el oportuno desarrollo de
capacidades técnicas, certificación o acreditación de competencias y trayecto de
vida profesional para poder acceder a la oportunidad laboral identificada. Tal es la
realidad de las jóvenes que egresan cada año del centro de acogida Ermelinda
Carrera y que el proyecto “Pan de Vida” pudo identificar, proponiendo
concretamente como solución el desarrollo de competencias técnicas en
panadería y pastelería para las participantes, con el objetivo de combatir la
pobreza y la exclusión social que las afectan.
Con la presente investigación los autores ofrecen un estudio de las características
del proyecto “Pan de Vida” como oferta de inserción laboral, sus logros alcanzados
-con énfasis en las jóvenes participantes- así como la valoración de sus gestores
y operadores respecto al mismo. Esta investigación es de tipo cualitativa y para
su realización ha empleado herramientas tales como la revisión bibliográfica y de
documentos técnicos de la intervención, la encuesta y la entrevista. Bajo el
enfoque de la Gerencia Social, los autores proponen tanto una serie de
conclusiones y recomendaciones pertinentes como una propuesta de mejora para
que los resultados de una intervención como “Pan de Vida” puedan ver acrecentada su eficacia, eficiencia y que con el tiempo un estudio como este
pueda nutrir la proposición de políticas públicas a favor de jóvenes egresados de
centros de atención residencial en el Perú, aún ausentes en la agenda de
desarrollo de nuestro país.
The development intervention called “Pan de Vida" -object of study of the investigation that the authors present next- has been carried out in the district of San Miguel, Lima, in the residential care center Ermelinda Carrera, host institution temporary for minors, female, in a condition of abandonment, moral and material lack of protection as well as in situations of high risk and social vulnerability. At the age of 18, all young people living in a shelter must face the exit of the same and start an independent life, insert themselves into social life, work and eventually family life, to have relatives willing to receive them again. Social inclusion translates into a return to life in society, with the exercise of citizens' rights and duties, within a framework of full respect for their institutions and the dignity of the people. The labor insertion in turn means the placement in the job market by matching the demands of a job opportunity with the training and experience of the job applicant. However, this last process is difficult when the applicant does not have the appropriate development of technical skills, certification or accreditation of competences and career path to access the identified job opportunity. Such is the reality of the young women who graduate each year from the Ermelinda Carrera reception center and that the “Pan de Vida" project was able to identify, proposing concretely as a solution the development of technical skills in bakery and pastry for the participants, with the objective of combat poverty and social exclusion that affect them. With this research, the authors offer a study of the characteristics of the “Pan de Vida" project as an offer of labor insertion, its achievements -with emphasis on the young participants- as well as the assessment of its managers and operators with respect to it. This research is of a qualitative nature and for its realization it has used tools such as the bibliographic review and technical documents of the intervention, the survey and the interview. Under the Social Management approach, the authors propose a series of relevant conclusions and recommendations as well as a proposal for improvement so that the results of an intervention such as “Pan de Vida" can increase its effectiveness, efficiency and that over time a study like this can nourish the proposal of public policies in favor of young graduates of residential care centers in Peru, still absent from the development agenda of our country.
The development intervention called “Pan de Vida" -object of study of the investigation that the authors present next- has been carried out in the district of San Miguel, Lima, in the residential care center Ermelinda Carrera, host institution temporary for minors, female, in a condition of abandonment, moral and material lack of protection as well as in situations of high risk and social vulnerability. At the age of 18, all young people living in a shelter must face the exit of the same and start an independent life, insert themselves into social life, work and eventually family life, to have relatives willing to receive them again. Social inclusion translates into a return to life in society, with the exercise of citizens' rights and duties, within a framework of full respect for their institutions and the dignity of the people. The labor insertion in turn means the placement in the job market by matching the demands of a job opportunity with the training and experience of the job applicant. However, this last process is difficult when the applicant does not have the appropriate development of technical skills, certification or accreditation of competences and career path to access the identified job opportunity. Such is the reality of the young women who graduate each year from the Ermelinda Carrera reception center and that the “Pan de Vida" project was able to identify, proposing concretely as a solution the development of technical skills in bakery and pastry for the participants, with the objective of combat poverty and social exclusion that affect them. With this research, the authors offer a study of the characteristics of the “Pan de Vida" project as an offer of labor insertion, its achievements -with emphasis on the young participants- as well as the assessment of its managers and operators with respect to it. This research is of a qualitative nature and for its realization it has used tools such as the bibliographic review and technical documents of the intervention, the survey and the interview. Under the Social Management approach, the authors propose a series of relevant conclusions and recommendations as well as a proposal for improvement so that the results of an intervention such as “Pan de Vida" can increase its effectiveness, efficiency and that over time a study like this can nourish the proposal of public policies in favor of young graduates of residential care centers in Peru, still absent from the development agenda of our country.
Albergues infantiles--Perú, Trabajo social con jóvenes--Perú--Lima, Mujeres--Empleo
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